Why builder Pattern?
If there are many attributes in the class and object is created over several calls it may be in an inconsistent state partway through its construction. To address this builder pattern is introduced. If Object Creation should be delayed until all the validation of class attributes are performed builder pattern addresses the need.

If there are 2 attributes to a Class then we can create 2^N Constructor based on the two attributes. This Results in Boiler plate code. What if the number of attributes keeps increasing over a period of time.


import java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException;

public class Report {
    private String reportName;
    private String reportFormat;

    private Report(){}

    public static ReportBuilder getReportBuilder(){
        return new ReportBuilder();

    public String toString() {
        return "Report{" +
                "reportName='" + reportName + '\'' +
                ", reportFormat='" + reportFormat + '\'' +

    public static class ReportBuilder {
        private String reportName;
        private String reportFormat;

        private ReportBuilder(){}

        public ReportBuilder setReportName(String reportName) {
            this.reportName = reportName;
            return this;

        public ReportBuilder setReportFormat(String reportFormat) {
            this.reportFormat = reportFormat;
            return this;

        public Report build() throws InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
            if(this.reportFormat == "CSV"){
                throw new InvalidPropertiesFormatException("Format Not Supported");

            if(this.reportName.length() < 10){
                throw new InvalidPropertiesFormatException("Name should be greater than 10");

            //Object for Report should not be created before validation is completed as above
            Report objReport = new Report();
            objReport.reportName = this.reportName;
            objReport.reportFormat = this.reportFormat;
            return objReport;


import java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException;

public class BuilderPatternClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
        Report objReport = Report.getReportBuilder()
                .setReportName("Monthly Transactions")



Report{reportName='Monthly Transactions', reportFormat='PDF'}

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