Swagger Consist of Three Parts

  1. swagger-editor– Helps in editing yml file as per Open API Specification
  2. swagger-ui– dist folder helps in circulating API documentation
  3. swagger-codegen

Installing Swagger in Local
Swagger needs http-server. We would use node http-server. We should navigate to the swagger editor folder and start the http-server.

>>npm install -g http-server
>>npm install
>>http-server swagger-editor -a -p 8090
>>http-server swagger-ui -a -p 8091

For the API Documentation we can copy and ship the dist folder in swagger-ui folder. We would have already placed the yaml file which we have created in swagger-editor in swagger-ui folder. Now we should edit the index.html file in swagger-ui folder as below to point to out yml file


window.onload = function() {
  // Begin Swagger UI call region
  const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
  url: "EmpMgmt.yaml",
  dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
   deepLinking: true,

Presuming the project has Documentation in api-docs folder we can now start the server as below

>>D:\Projects\workspace\EmpMgmt> http-server api-docs -a -p 8091

Refernce for OpenAPI Specification

Parts of OpenAPI 3.0 Specification
Info and Components are important parts of API Definition

  1. Info – Provides Name, Description and Developers information of API
  2. Servers – Provides server information and various environment URL of API
  3. Security – Provides details about how API is secured, API keys, Authorization information
  4. Paths – Details about API Endpoints
  5. Tags and extenaldocs – Tags that could be grouped for API operations
  6. Components – Set of reusable objects which could be used during API definition