Modules helps in writing clean code like seperating modules for dataacces, UI and security. Each modules has a separate role of its own
like httpModule, routing module. Writing Modules in TS would create IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression) in javascript file

module dataService{


So what is difference between class and module. Both are same except one. Classes are created in Global namespace.
However module can be either global or local.

class dataService{


Now lets wrap class with in module which is nothing more than namespace

module Shapes{
  export class Rectangle{


  export class Square{


  export class Triangle{


var objShapes:any = new Shapes.Square;

Simple Program for Logging Message using Module and Interface

interface ILoggerUtils {
    print(): void;

var LogLevel = {
    info: 1,
    Warn: 2,

module LogUtils {
    export class LoggerAtError implements ILoggerUtils {
    print(): void {
        console.log("Log Message during Error");

export class LoggerAtInfo implements ILoggerUtils {
    print(): void {
        console.log("Log Message during Info");

export class LoggerAtWarn implements ILoggerUtils {
    print(): void {
        console.log("Log Message during Warn");

window.onload = function () {
    var objLoggerUtil: ILoggerUtils;

    var logLevel =;

    switch (logLevel) {
            objLoggerUtil = new LogUtils.LoggerAtInfo();
        case LogLevel.Warn:
            objLoggerUtil = new LogUtils.LoggerAtWarn();
        case LogLevel.Error:
            objLoggerUtil = new LogUtils.LoggerAtError();



Log Message during Info