Decorator pattern dynamically changes the functionality of an object at run-time without creating new object rather by adding behavior and attribute to existing Object.

Why Decorator Pattern?

It allows adding new functionality to an existing object without altering its original class. This pattern involves wrapping the original object in a decorator class, which has the same interface as the object it decorates. The decorator class then adds its behavior to the object during runtime, allowing for increased flexibility and modularity in programming.

When Decorator Pattern?
If you want to add additional functionality to an existing object (i.e. already instantiated class at runtime), as opposed to object’s class and/or subclass then Decorator pattern should be used. It is easy to add functionality to an entire class of objects by subclassing an object’s class, but it is impossible to extend a single object this way. With the Decorator Pattern, you can add functionality to a single object and leave others like it unmodified.

How Decorator Pattern Implemented?

  1. Create a Interface with a concrete base class which implements Interface. This base class has only default constructor
  2. Create Concrete Decorator Classes which implements Interface
  3. The Decorator keeps appending the Logs and the log method would be invoked only once after all the appending is done

public interface Logger {
    void  log(String msg);

public class BasicHtmlLogger implements  Logger {
    public BasicHtmlLogger() {

    public void log(String msg) {
        System.out.println("<html>" + msg + "</html>");

public class HTMLLoggerDecoratorBold implements Logger {
    Logger logger;

    public HTMLLoggerDecoratorBold(Logger logger) {
        this.logger = logger;

    public void log(String msg) {
        logger.log("<bold>"+ msg+ "</bold>");

public class HTMLLoggerDecoratorItalic implements Logger {
    Logger logger;

    public HTMLLoggerDecoratorItalic(Logger logger) {
        this.logger = logger;

    public void log(String msg) {
        logger.log("<italic>"+ msg+ "</italic>");

public class HTMLLoggerDecoratorUnderline implements Logger {
    Logger logger;

    public HTMLLoggerDecoratorUnderline(Logger logger) {
        this.logger = logger;

    public void log(String msg) {
        logger.log("<underline>"+ msg+ "</underline>");

public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Logger objBasicLogger = new BasicHtmlLogger();
        Logger objBoldLogger = new HTMLLoggerDecoratorBold(objBasicLogger);
        Logger objItalicLogger = new HTMLLoggerDecoratorItalic(objBasicLogger);
        Logger objUnderlineLogger = new HTMLLoggerDecoratorUnderline(objBasicLogger);

        Logger objBoldItalicLogger = new HTMLLoggerDecoratorItalic(objBoldLogger);

        objBasicLogger.log("Logging Msg without Formatting"); //Basic Logging
        objUnderlineLogger.log("Logging Msg with Underline"); //Basic Logging + Underline
        objBoldLogger.log("Logging Msg with Bold Formatting"); //Basic Logging + Bold
        objItalicLogger.log("Logging Msg with Italic Formatting"); //Basic Logging + Italic
        objBoldItalicLogger.log("Logging Msg with Bold, Italic Formatting"); //Basic Logging + Bold + Italic


<html>Logging Msg without Formatting</html>
<html><underline>Logging Msg with Underline</underline></html>
<html><bold>Logging Msg with Bold Formatting</bold></html>
<html><italic>Logging Msg with Italic Formatting</italic></html>
<html><bold><italic>Logging Msg with Bold, Italic Formatting</italic></bold></html>

Below we have one more example of Decorator Pattern

public interface Gift {
    public String addGift();
    public Integer addGiftCost();

public class BasicGift implements Gift {
    public String addGift() {
        return "Gift Item";

    public Integer addGiftCost() {
        return 50;

public class GiftFlowersDecorator implements Gift {
    Gift gift;

    public GiftFlowersDecorator(Gift gift) { = gift;

    public String addGift() {
        if(gift != null){
            return gift.addGift() + " + Flowers ";

        return " Flowers to gift Item";

    public Integer addGiftCost() {

        if(gift != null){
            return gift.addGiftCost() + 10;

        return 5;

public class GiftGreetingsCardDecorator implements Gift {
    Gift gift;

    public GiftGreetingsCardDecorator(Gift gift) { = gift;

    public String addGift() {
        if(gift != null){
            return gift.addGift() + " + Greetings Card";

        return " Greetings Card";

    public Integer addGiftCost() {

        if(gift != null){
            return gift.addGiftCost() + 7;

        return 5;

public class GiftWrapDecorator implements Gift {
    Gift gift;

    public GiftWrapDecorator(Gift gift) { = gift;

    public String addGift() {
        if(gift != null){
            return gift.addGift() + " + Wrapper ";

        return " wrapping gift Item";

    public Integer addGiftCost() {

        if(gift != null){
            return gift.addGiftCost() + 5;

        return 5;

public class BuyGiftOnline {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Gift objGift = new BasicGift();
        System.out.println(objGift.addGift() + " = " + objGift.addGiftCost());

        Gift objGiftWithWrapper = new GiftWrapDecorator(objGift);
        System.out.println(objGiftWithWrapper.addGift() + " = " + objGiftWithWrapper.addGiftCost());

        Gift objGiftWithWrapperAndFlowers = new GiftFlowersDecorator(objGiftWithWrapper);
        System.out.println(objGiftWithWrapperAndFlowers.addGift() + "= " + objGiftWithWrapperAndFlowers.addGiftCost());

        Gift objGiftWithWrapperAndInvitation= new GiftGreetingsCardDecorator(objGiftWithWrapper);
        System.out.println(objGiftWithWrapperAndInvitation.addGift() + " = " + objGiftWithWrapperAndInvitation.addGiftCost());


Gift Item = 50
Gift Item + Wrapper  = 55
Gift Item + Wrapper  + Flowers = 65
Gift Item + Wrapper  + Greetings Card = 62

Facade design pattern simplifies the interface to a complex system; because it is usually composed of all the classes which make up the subsystems of the complex system

Why to use Facade Pattern?
Classes in all design patterns are just normal classes. What is important is how they are structured and how they work together to solve a given problem in the best possible way.

The Facade design pattern simplifies the interface to a complex system; because it is usually composed of all the classes which make up the subsystems of the complex system.

A Facade shields the user from the complex details of the system and provides them with a simplified view of it which is easy to use. It also decouples the code that uses the system from the details of the subsystems, making it easier to modify the system later.

When to use Facade Pattern?
To provide higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.

How to implement Facade Pattern?
Instead of exposing the complex code logic we wrap the complex code in a separate class facade class and call the method of Facade Class.

Code Implementation

  1. OnlineApp has many code logic which includes Creating Order, Inventory Updation, Payment Tracking, Seller Buyer Notification and Shipment
  2. Instead of writing all the code in onlineApp we can move the code to FacadeClass( and call the method of OrderFacade

Code without Facade Pattern

public class OnlineApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Step 1: Order Created");
        Order objOrder = new Order();

        System.out.println("Step 2: Inventory Updated");
        Inventory objInventory = new Inventory();
        objInventory.checkInventory("Iphone 13");

        System.out.println("Step 3: Payment Succesful");
        Payment objPayment = new Payment();

        System.out.println("Step 4: Seller and Buyer Notified");
        Notifications objNotification = new Notifications();

        System.out.println("Step 5: Shipment Done");
        Shipment objShipment = new Shipment();
        objShipment.shipProduct("Road Name, Location");


Code with Facade Pattern

public class OrderFacade {
    Order objOrder = new Order();
    Inventory objInventory = new Inventory();
    Payment objPayment = new Payment();
    Notifications objNotification = new Notifications();
    Shipment objShipment = new Shipment();

    public void placeOrder(String orderId) {
        System.out.println("Step 1: Order Created");

        System.out.println("Step 2: Inventory Updated");
        objInventory.checkInventory("Iphone 13");

        System.out.println("Step 3: Payment Succesful");

        System.out.println("Step 4: Seller and Buyer Notified");

        System.out.println("Step 5: Shipment Done");
        objShipment.shipProduct("Road Name, Location");

public class OnlineApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        OrderFacade objOrderFacade = new OrderFacade();


Step 1: Order Created
Display Cart Order
Step 2: Inventory Updated
Step 3: Payment Succesful
Step 4: Seller and Buyer Notified
Order placed by Buyer
Order Received by Seller
Step 5: Shipment Done
Shipping toRoad Name, Location

Adapter Pattern help in changing the third party integration without making much changes to the Core code.

Why to use Adapter Pattern?

  1. It Allows Incompatible interfaces between classes to work together without modifying their source code.
  2. It acts as a bridge between two interfaces, making them compatible so that they can collaborate and interact seamlessly.
  3. This pattern is useful when integrating existing or third-party code into an application without modifying the existing codebase.

When to use Adapter Pattern?
You can use the Adapter design pattern when you have to deal with different interfaces with similar behavior (which usually means classes with similar behavior but with different methods).

How to implement Adapter Pattern?
In your code instead of hard coding the method calls of each vendor (or Adaptee), you could then create a generic interface to wrap these similar behaviors and work with only one type of object. The Adapters will then implement the Target interface delegating its method calls to the Adaptees that are passed to the Adapters via constructor.

Code Example:

  1. Below we have PhonePay implementing BankAPI methods
  2. If Phonepay directly tries to use the classes of hdfcAPI or Any other bank api the code would become tightly coupled and would become difficult to change
  3. To get rid of tight coupling what we do in adaptor is we override the methods in the BankAPI and in method definition we call respective banks which the phone pay application has tie ups
  4. In case there is a need tomorrow for the phonepay application to change the Bank Gateway the only place to change is where the Adapter is called.
  5. The transferAmount of the bank API interface is overridden in the corresponding adapter classes and the definition is changed based on the way the corresponding way Bank APIs are getting called

public interface BankAPI {
    public void transferAmount(String fromAcc, String toAcc, String amount);

public class HDFCAdapter implements BankAPI {
    HDFCBankAPI objHDFCBankAPI = new HDFCBankAPI();

    public void transferAmount(String fromAcc, String toAcc, String amount) {
        objHDFCBankAPI.performTransaction(fromAcc, toAcc, Float.valueOf(amount));

public class HDFCBankAPI {
    public void performTransaction(String creditorAcc, String debitorAcc, Float Amount){
        System.out.println("Transfering Funds");

public class YesAdapter implements BankAPI {
    YesBankAPI objYesBankAPI = new YesBankAPI();

    public void transferAmount(String fromAcc, String toAcc, String amount) {
        objYesBankAPI.sendMoney(fromAcc, toAcc);

public class YesBankAPI {
    public boolean sendMoney(String creditAcc, String debitAcc){
        System.out.println("Transaction Steps.....");
        return true;

public class SBIAdapter implements BankAPI {
    SBIBankAPI objSBIBankAPI = new SBIBankAPI();

    public void transferAmount(String fromAcc, String toAcc, String amount) {
        objSBIBankAPI.transfer(fromAcc, toAcc, amount);

public class SBIBankAPI {
    public String transfer(String account1, String account2, String Amount){
        System.out.println("Transaction from Account1 to Account2");
        return "Transaction Successful";

public class PhonePay {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Incase you want to change the Bank Gateway tomorrow you can change the Adapter Alone
        BankAPI objBankAPI = new YesAdapter();
        objBankAPI.transferAmount("AccNo 154264", "AccNo 4264755", "452");