A digital signature in its simplest description is a hash (SHA1, MD5, etc.) of the data (file, message, etc.) that is subsequently encrypted with the signer’s private key. Since that is something only the signer has (or should have) that is where the trust comes from. EVERYONE has (or should have) access to the signer’s public key.

So, to validate a digital signature, the recipient

  1. Calculates a hash of the same data (file, message, etc.),
  2. Decrypts the digital signature using the sender’s PUBLIC key, and
  3. Compares the 2 hash values.

Sender – Alice is sending a digitally signed but not encrypted message to Receiver – Bob

  1. Sender generates a message digest of the original plaintext message using a secure hash function like SHA3-512.
  2. Sender then encrypts the message digest using her private key. The output is the digital signature.
  3. Sender appends the digital signature to the plaintext message.
  4. Sender then sends the appended message to Receiver. Sender sends digital signature + Plain Text Message + Certificate with Public Key
  5. Receiver removes the digital signature from the appended message and decrypts it with the public key of Sender.
  6. Receiver calculates the hash of the plaintext message with SHA3-512.
  7. Receiver then compares the decrypted message digest he received from Sender with the message digest Receiver computed. If the two digests match, he can be assured that the message he received was sent by Sender.

The digital signature process does not provide any privacy by itself. It only ensures that the cryptographic goals of authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation are met. If Sender wants to ensure the privacy of her message to Receiver, she could encrypt the appended message generated in step 3 with the public key of Receiver. Receiver then would need to first decrypt the encrypted message with his private key before continuing with step 5.

What Sender Does?

Note: In the above step the hash is encrypted digitally signed using private key.In the side of the receiver public key should be used to decrypt hash for verification

What Receiver Does?

Encryption vs Digital Signature

In Encryption we use receivers public key to encrypt the message whereas when we digitally sign we use senders private to encrypt the hashed text(which is nothing again message we would like to send)

Encryption is the act of converting plain text to cipher text. Cipher text is basically text that has been scrambled into non-readable format using an algorithm – called a cipher.

Public key encryption uses public/private key pairs. If you want me to send you an encrypted message, you send me your public key, which I import into my encryption software. I encrypt the message with your public key. When you receive the message, you decrypt it with your private key. Even though your public key can be freely distributed and used to encrypt messages addressed to you, these encrypted messages can only be decrypted with your own private key. This private key must always be kept secret. Data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with its corresponding private key. This is what happens in Brower Server Communication

Digital Signature
Message signing, on the other hand, uses the sender’s private key to sign the message, and his public key is used to read the signature. Message signing helps ensure data integrity, message authentication, and non-repudiation. For example, if John wants to digitally sign a message to Bob, he uses his private key to sign the message, and sends it (along with his public key if it hasn’t already been sent) to Bob. John’s public key is the only key that can verify the message signature.

In RSA crypto, when you generate a key pair, it’s completely arbitrary which one you choose to be the public key, and which is the private key. If you encrypt with one, you can decrypt with the other – it works in both directions. It is fairly simple to see how you can encrypt a message with the receiver’s public key so that the receiver can decrypt it with their private key.

A signature is proof that the signer has a private key that matches some public key. To do this, it would be enough to encrypt the message with that sender’s private key and include the encrypted version alongside the plaintext version. To verify the sender, decrypt the encrypted version, and check that it is the same as the plaintext.

Of course, this means that your message is not secret. Anyone can decrypt it because the public key is well known. But when they do so, they have proved that the creator of the ciphertext has the corresponding private key.

However, this means doubling the size of your transmission – plaintext, and ciphertext together (assuming you want people who aren’t interested in verifying the signature, to read the message). So instead, typically a signature is created by creating a hash of the plaintext. Fake hashes can never be created, so cryptographic hash algorithms such as SHA-2 are used.

  • To generate a signature, make a hash from the plaintext, encrypt it with your private key, include it alongside the plaintext.
  • To verify a signature, make a hash from the plaintext, decrypt the signature with the sender’s public key, check that both hashes are the same.

Encryption and Decryption
Encrytion and Decryption could use same key as in symmetric algorithm or could use different one. Below are the steps for Asymmetric encrytion.

  1. Alice wants to send a message to Bob which no one should be able to read.
    1. Alice encrypts the message with Bob’s public key and sends it over.
    2. Bob receives the message and decrypts it using his private Key.
    Note that if A wants to send a message to B, A needs to use the Public key of B (which is publicly available to anyone) and neither public nor private key of A comes into the picture here.

So if you want to send a message to me you should know and use my public key which I provide to you and only I will be able to decrypt the message since I am the only one who has access to the corresponding private key.

Digitally Signing Message

  1. Alice wants to send a message to Bob again. The problem of encrypting the data is solved using the above method.
  2. But what if I am sitting between Alice and Bob, introducing myself as ‘Alice’ to Bob and sending my own message to Bob instead of forwarding the one sent by Alice. Even though I can not decrypt and read the original message sent by Alice(that requires access to Bob’s private key) I am hijacking the entire conversation between them.
  3. Is there a way Bob can confirm that the messages he is receiving are actually sent by Alice?
  4. Alice signs the message with her private key and sends it over. (In practice, what is signed is a hash of the message, e.g. SHA-256 or SHA-512.)
    Bob receives it and verifies it using Alice’s public key. Since Alice’s public key successfully verified the message, Bob can conclude that the message has been signed by Alice.

What is JWT?
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is a security mechanism to transfer information between two parties by using JSON-format tokens that are self-signed. Consumer of JWT can perform JWT signature verification, which is a cryptographic process to verify the authenticity of the information contained in the token, as well as validations of the information within the token payload.

The JWT will have the following components – Header, Payload/body,Signature




Signature will have the following pseudo-code

  RSASHA256(Base64URLencode(Header).Base64URLencode(body), Secret)

JWT consists of three parts

  1. Header – Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Header. This part of the token provides details about the encryption mechanisms that must be applied to verify the token signature to confirm the authenticity of the information (claims) contained in the token.

    When working with JWKS, JOSE header will specify the following attributes:

    • Encryption algorithm – alg Declared with value “RS256” (asymmetric encryption algorithm, described at this specification)
    • Key id – kid This attribute contains the identifier for the public key that must be used to perform signature verification.
  2. Token payload – It consists on a set of key-value attributes commonly referred to as “Claims”, where the attribute name and value are called “Claim Name” and “Claim value”. Claims are ultimately the lowest level of information contained in the JWT, and can be used by the resource owners to determine any kind of information about the user who owns the token (access level, identity, authorization, etc.).
  3. Token signature – JWS. From the security standpoint, this is the most important part of a JWT, as it contains the token signature that must be used to perform the verification of the token. Token signature is the result of taking the token payload and apply RS256 encryption using the private key of the RSA key pair.

Token Signature = RS256 Encryption of Header, Payload signed with Secret

What are basic security goals?
Integrity is about making sure that some piece of data has not been altered from some “reference version”
Authenticity is about making sure that a given entity (with whom you are interacting) is who you believe it to be.
Non-repudiation It is the inability to refute responsibility. For example, if you take a pen and sign a (legal) contract your signature is a nonrepudiation device.Digital signature in this case.

What is the difference between Hash, MAC, and Digital Signature?
Hash – A (unkeyed) hash of the message, if appended to the message itself, only protects against accidental changes to the message (or the hash itself), as an attacker who modifies the message can simply calculate a new hash and use it instead of the original one. So this only gives integrity.
Message Authentication Code MAC – also known as keyed hash, protects against message forgery by anyone who doesn’t know the secret key (shared by sender and receiver). This means that the receiver can forge any message – thus we have both integrity and authentication (as long as the receiver doesn’t have a split personality), but not non-repudiation. MACs can be created from unkeyed hashes (e.g. with the HMAC construction), or created directly as MAC algorithms.
Digital Signature – A (digital) signature is created with a private key, and verified with the corresponding public key of an asymmetric key-pair. Only the holder of the private key can create this signature, and normally anyone knowing the public key can verify it. So this provides all of integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation.

Hash MAC(HMAC + SHA256) Digital Signature(RSA, PKCS1)
Integrity Yes Yes Yes
Authentication No Yes Yes
Non-repudiation No No Yes
Kind of keys None Symmetric Asymmetric

Does JWT is both Hashed and Signed?

JWT is both hashed and signed. Hashing algorithm used is specified in the Header. To make hashing stronger we use salt which is sometime refered as secret. However, using this secret is sometime confused with signing of JWT. Signing is a process where only the signer knows the key with which the payload is signed. As far the resource and authorization server are same usgae of the term signing and hashing holds true. Incase if resource and authorization server are different and symmetric key is used, signing payload should no longer used since signature is unique to entity but in above case there are two entities which holds the same signature.

Sometimes JWT is both hashed and signed. Most realtime implementation of JWT uses this methodology to make JWT more secure.

Why we do base64 encoding in JWT?
JWT is actually not Base64, instead, it’s Base64Url Encoded. It’s just like Base64, but there are a couple of characters different so that we can easily send a JWT as part of a Url parameter. All three parts of the JWT are Base64Url encoded, which makes the JWT URL-encoded, which means it can be shared between two or more parts using HTTP.

What are two common ways of implementation of JWT?

  1. Method 1 – Using asymmetric algorithm using public and private key. Implementing JWT using this method helps in authorization by Resource Server
  2. Method 2 – Using symmetric algorithm using same key for Signing. In this case only the server which has issued can authorize the user. The same copy of the key could be shared to resource server but at cost of compromising security scale.

Do we always need Public and Private Key?
No. It depends on the implementation. When the Authorization and the Resource server is same then we dont need two different keys. In this case the key is referred to as secret and secret is used for signing payload. But when Authorization and the Resource server are different then we need private key to sign the resource and public key to read the signature.

Symmetric Signing uses HS256 algorithm for signing. The same would be seen in header field.


Asymmetric signing uses RS256 algorithm for signing.


What is the difference between RS256 and HS256?
RS256 (RSA Signature with SHA-256) – is an asymmetric algorithm, and it uses a public/private key pair: the identity provider has a private (secret) key used to generate the signature, and the consumer of the JWT gets a public key to validate the signature. Since the public key, as opposed to the private key, doesn’t need to be kept secured, most identity providers make it easily available for consumers to obtain and use (usually through a metadata URL).

HS256 (HMAC with SHA-256) – on the other hand, involves a combination of a hashing function and one (secret) key that is shared between the two parties used to generate the hash that will serve as the signature. Since the same key is used both to generate the signature and to validate it, care must be taken to ensure that the key is not compromised.

If you will be developing the application consuming the JWTs, you can safely use HS256, because you will have control on who uses the secret keys. If, on the other hand, you don’t have control over the client, or you have no way of securing a secret key, RS256 will be a better fit, since the consumer only needs to know the public (shared) key exposed by JWK URL.

Why we need JWK Endpoints?
In Asymmetric signing public key should be exposed so who ever uses it could decrypt to read the signature. Validation will happen in the following steps

  1. Retrieve the JWKS from JWKS endpoint
  2. Get JWT and decode it.
  3. Grab the kid property from the header of the decoded JWT.
  4. Search the key with the matching kid property in retrieve keysets.
  5. Build a (public)certificate using the corresponding keyset
  6. Use the certificate to verify the JWT’s signature.

JSON Web Key & JSON Web Key Set
JWK consists on a JSON data structure that represents a cryptographic key. The members of the object represent properties of the key, including its value. A JWK Set is simply JSON data structure that represents a set of JWKs.

There are attributes that are mandatory within JWK, regardless on the signing algorithm

  1. kid (Key ID) Parameter is used to identify a key, with the purpose to choose among a set of keys within a JWK Set during key rollover. kid parameter is utilized to lookup the appropriate public key, as it is also included in the JWT JOSE header.
  2. kty (Key Type) Parameter. This attribute identifies the cryptographic algorithm family used with the key, such as “RSA” or “EC”.
  3. use (Public Key Use) Parameter. This parameter identifies the intended use of the public key. The “use” parameter is employed to indicate whether a public key is used for encrypting data or verifying the signature on data.
    Values defined by this specification are:

    1. sig (signature)
    2. enc (encryption)
  4. exp (Expiration) Parameter. Although “exp” is not mentioned in the JWK specification, it is widely used in the same way as described in the JWT specification, which can be found here. Its purpose is to define the expiration time for the given JWK. “exp” MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value.
  5. alg – parameter identifies the algorithm intended for use with the key.eg in RSA, we can have RSA256 or RSA512

JWT are used for authorization and not authentication. So a JWT will be created only after the user has been authenticated by the server by specifying the credentials. Once JWT has been created for all future interactions with the server JWT can be used. So JWT tells that server that this user has been authenticated, let him access the particular resource if he has the role.

Posted in JWT.

In JWT both Header and Payload is encoded to make it URL Safe but not encrypted. So any one can see the content after decoding the Header and Payload. We cannot send any sensitive data using JWT.The signature is created using the header, the payload, and the secret that is saved on the server.

   Signature = Header + Payload + Secret

The above process is Signing the JSON Web Token. The signing algorithm takes the header, the payload, and the secret to creating a unique signature. So only this data plus the secret can create this signature. Together with the header and the payload, these signature forms the JWT, which then gets sent to the client.

Once the server receives a JWT to grant access to a protected route, it needs to verify it in order to determine if the user really is who he claims to be. In other words, it will verify if no one changed the header and the payload data of the token. So again, this verification step will check if no third party actually altered either the header or the payload of the JSON Web Token.

The signature is an HMAC, which uses a particular type of cryptographic function. Such an HMAC algorithm is indicated with the “HS” prefix, as shown in the sample token above. The HMAC takes the header, the payload, and a secret key as input, and returns a unique signature over all three inputs. Service uses the same secret key to calculate the HMAC of the JWT. If the resulting HMAC is the same as the signature in the token, the service knows that all three inputs to the HMAC function were the same as before.


How Verification is Carried to check whether payload has been changed?

Once the JWT is received, the verification will take its header and payload, and together with the secret that is still saved on the server, basically create a test signature.

The original signature that was generated when the JWT was first created is still in the token which is the key to this verification. We have to compare the test signature with the original signature. And if the test signature is the same as the original signature, then it means that the payload and the header have not been modified. If they had been modified, then the test signature would have to be different. Therefore in this case where there has been no alteration of the data, we can then authenticate the user. And of course, if the two signatures are actually different, well, then it means that someone tampered with the data. Usually by trying to change the payload. Third party manipulating the payload does not have access to the secret(Private key used to sign), so they cannot sign the JWT. So the original signature will never correspond to the manipulated data. And therefore, the verification will always fail in this case.

Limitations of Symmetric Signatures
This signature scheme is straightforward. It is also the typical scheme used to explain JWTs to developers. Unfortunately, symmetric signatures prevent the sharing of the JWT with another service. To verify the JWT’s integrity, all services would need to have access to the same secret key. However, possession of the secret key is enough to generate arbitrary JWTs with a valid signature.

Sharing the HMAC secret with a third-party service creates a significant vulnerability. Even sharing the secret between different services within a single architecture is not recommended. If all services share the same key, the compromise of a single service immediately becomes an architecture-wide problem.

Instead of sharing the secret HMAC key, you can opt for using asymmetric signatures

Note: The above could be helpful of the Authorization Server and Resource Server is same.

Link to Repo

Posted in JWT.
  1. What is a Cipher?
    A cipher transforms data by processing the original, plaintext characters (or other data) into ciphertext, which should appear to be random data
  2. What is Message Digest? Why we need Message Digest?
    A message digest is a cryptographic hash function containing a string of digits created by a one-way hashing formula. Message digests are designed to protect the integrity of a piece of data or media to detect changes and alterations to any part of a message.This term is also known as a hash value and sometimes as a checksum.Message digests are encrypted with private keys creating a digital signature. This results in a type of validation ensuring that the appropriate user is accessing protected information. Message digests protect one-way hash algorithms taking random data and transmitting a set length hash value.
  3. What is role of Hasing in Security? Hashing helps in preventing or analyzing file tampering. The original data will generate a hash which is kept with the data. The data and the hash are sent together, and the receiving party checks that hash to see if the data has been compromised. If there were any changes to the data, the hash wont match.
  4. What is Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)?Secure Hash Algorithms, also known as SHA, are a family of cryptographic functions designed to keep data secured. It works by transforming the data using a hash function: an algorithm that consists of bitwise operations, modular additions, and compression functions. The hash function then produces a fixed-size string that looks nothing like the original. These algorithms are designed to be one-way functions, meaning that once they’re transformed into their respective hash values, it’s virtually impossible to transform them back into the original data. A few algorithms of interest are SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3, each of which was successively designed with increasingly stronger encryption in response to hacker attacks. SHA-0, for instance, is now obsolete due to the widely exposed vulnerabilities.
  5. What does MessageDigest getInstance() does?

    MessageDigest class provides a method named getInstance(). This method accepts a String variable specifying the name of the algorithm to be used and returns a MessageDigest object implementing the specified algorithm.Create MessageDigest object using the getInstance() method as shown below.

    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");

    After creating the message digest object, you need to pass the message/data to it. You can do so using the update() method of the MessageDigest class, this method accepts a byte array representing the message and adds/passes it to the above created MessageDigest object.


    You can generate the message digest using the digest() method od the MessageDigest class this method computes the hash function on the current object and returns the message digest in the form of byte array.Generate the message digest using the digest method.

    byte[] digest = md.digest();
  6. Could I use Public and Private Keys Inversely?
    Yes. The keys work inversely to each other. Encrypted something with your public key? Decrypt it with your private key. Conversely, if you encrypt something with your private key, you decrypt it with your public. Such is the nature of asymmetric cryptography.
  7. What is Symmetric and Asymmetric Keys?
    Symmetric just means that the same key is used to encrypt/decrypt. Asymmetric means that one key encrypts and a different key decrypts (and that the reverse is also true).

    #Creating a key Pair
    openssl genrsa -out private.pem 1024
    openssl rsa -in private.pem -out public.pem -pubout
    #Encrypt with public & decrypt with private
    openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey public.pem -pubin -in message.txt -out message.ssl
    openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private.pem       -in message.ssl -out message.txt
    #Encrypt with private & decrypt with public
    openssl rsautl -sign    -inkey private.pem -in message.txt          -out message_enc_priv.ssl
    openssl rsautl -inkey public.pem -pubin    -in message_enc_priv.ssl -out message_priv.txt
  8. In the above example, you could see the public key is genarated first followed by generation of private key. Any idea why it is so?
    elliptic curve cryptography (also called “elliptic curve multiplication”) is the answer to the question. Elliptic curve cryptography is the mathematical relationship that makes the following conditions possible:

    • A public key can be mathematically generated from a private key
    • A private key cannot be mathematically generated from a public key (i.e. “trapdoor function”)
    • A private key can be verified by a public key

    a public/private keypair is created using elliptic curve cryptography, which by nature, creates a public and private key that are mathematically linked in both directions, but not mathematically derived in both directions.

  9. is JWT secured?
    JWT are used for authentication. JWTs are typically used to authenticate users and provide authorized access to resources by adding claims to the data, such as user data and files. JWT is suitable for stateless applications, as it allows the application to authenticate users and authorize access to resources without maintaining a session state on the server
  10. What is Resource and Authorization Server? Authorization server is the one which issues the JWT after authentication. Resource server is the one which authorizes User every time using JWT while accesing resource
  11. What does .pem file contains?
    PEM stands for Privacy-Enhanced Mail. A PEM file may contain anything including a public key, a private key, or both, because a PEM file is not a standard. In effect PEM just means the file contains a base64-encoded bit of data.
    Typically a PEM file contains a base64 encoded key or certificate with header and footer lines of the form —–BEGIN —– and —–END —-. Over time there have evolved many possibilities for , including private keys, public keys, X509 certificates, PKCS7 data, files containing multiple certificates, files containing both the private key and the X509 certificate.
  12. What is CSR and CRT(or)CER?
    Certificate Signing Request contains information such as the public key and common name required by a Certificate Authority to create and sign a certificate for the requester, the encoding could be PEM or DER. These get signed by the CA and a certificate is returned. The returned certificate is the public certificate (which includes the public key but not the private key). Since the public key is signed by CA, the CA is confident the one who has sent for signing is the only one who has access to private key.
  13. What is PKIX?
    PKIX is an IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) working group with the goal of supporting public key infrastructures based on X.509 on the Internet.X.509 certificate is a digital certificate based on the widely accepted International Telecommunications Union (ITU) X.509 standard, which defines the format of public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates. They are used to manage identity and security in internet communications and computer networking

In the below code there might arise a question why we need to do hashing and extract the final secret key from it. The importance of this step could be felt incase we are storing passwords in DBs instead of directly using actual secret key and hashing, the hashing by using message digest adds more strength.


package com.mugil.org;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;

public class EncryptUtil {
    private static SecretKeySpec secretKey;
    private static byte[] key;

    public static void setKey(String myKey) {
        MessageDigest sha = null;
        try {
            //Byte Arrays are secured compared to storing in String as it is immutable
            key = myKey.getBytes("UTF-8");

              MessageDigest class represents a cryptographic hash function which can calculate a
              message digest from binary data.A hash function is a mathematical function that 
              converts a numerical input value into another compressed numerical value.The input to 
              the hash function is of arbitrary length but output is always of fixed length.
              Values returned by a hash function are called message digest or simply hash values.

              Code will work without below two lines but hashing adds more strength to secret key
              AES needs a 128/192/256 bits key. If you don't hash your key and only trim the input it
              would only use the first 16/24/32 Bytes. So generating a Hash is the only reasonable way.
            sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
            key = sha.digest(key);

            /*Use SHA-1 to generate a hash from your key and trim the result to 128 bit (16 bytes).*/
            key = Arrays.copyOf(key, 16);

            /*Taking Key that would be used for Encrytion */
            secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    public static String encrypt(String strToEncrypt, String secret) {
        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
            return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipher.doFinal(strToEncrypt.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error while encrypting: " + e.toString());
        return null;

    public static String decrypt(String strToDecrypt, String secret) {
        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5PADDING");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
            return new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder().decode(strToDecrypt)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error while decrypting: " + e.toString());
        return null;


package com.mugil.org;

public class SimpleEncryption {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String secretKey = "ItSecretKey";

        String originalString = "You Nailed It!!!";
        String encryptedString = EncryptUtil.encrypt(originalString, secretKey) ;
        String decryptedString = EncryptUtil.decrypt(encryptedString, secretKey) ;


You Nailed It!!!
You Nailed It!!!

JWT can be implemented the same way for OAuth where the authorization server and the resource server are different. In this scenario Authorization server provides just the token and exposes JWK(JSON web keyset) for its public key.

JWT always deals with Authorization, not Authentication.

  1. User logins to application – Authentication to the user-facing application
  2. Once authenticated, User can request access to any resource.
  3. User-facing application can request an access token that will serve to request the external resource in representation of the end user, so the resource server can determine who is requesting the information (authentication) and the access level of that user (authorization). On this step an Oauth2 Access token request is performed
  4. Authorization server will validate the request for an access token. The end-user application can provide client credentials to prove identity of the invoker, as well as a hint to determine the user who triggers the process.

    Authorization server to generate a new RSA key pair, whose private key will be utilized to create the JWT signature, while the public key will be stored and published so any resource server who receives the JWT can look up the public key and perform signature verification.

  5. User-facing application receives the JWT access token, attaches it to a new HTTP request as an Authorization header, as a bearer token, and invokes the resource server to attempt the retrieval of the external resource.
  6. Resource server detects that a Bearer token was included in the new request received, decodes the header in order to find out the JWK key id, then connects to the authorization server JWK set URL in order to retrieve the list of available public keys, then filters the key with id indicated in the header. Once the JWK is found, Resource server just must perform signature verification to determine if the JWT received is valid
  7. Once JWT is verified, the payload is considered as valid, and any information within the payload can be used by the resource server to determine whether the requested resource can be delivered in the request received or not.

Advantage of Using Asymmetric Keys
In a microservice architecture where JWTs are exchanged, each service can have a public/private key pair. Compared to symmetric signatures, this scheme significantly reduces the impact of a breach of a single service in this architecture.

Posted in JWT.