To customize request parameter data binding, we can use @InitBinder annotated methods within our controller.

  1. The @InitBinder annotated methods will get called on each HTTP request if we don’t specify the ‘value’ element of this annotation.
  2. Each time this method is called a new instance of WebDataBinder is passed to it.
  3. To be more specific about which objects our InitBinder method applies to, we can supply ‘value’ element of the annotation @InitBinder. The ‘value’ element is a single or multiple names of command/form attributes and/or request parameters that this init-binder method is supposed to apply to.
    public void customizeBinding (WebDataBinder binder) 

public class UserRegistrationController 
    public void customizeBinding (WebDataBinder binder) 
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, "dateOfBirth", new CustomDateEditor(dateFormatter, true));

simpleDateFormat.setLenient(false); — Will check for out of range Date. For Example, If lenient is set to true, Aug 32 will be converted to Sep 1 .

To find the Variables assigned in JSP page use Windows->Show View->Display

  • In debug perspective: Window -> Show View -> Display
  • Put a break point in your code

Lets have a expression like one below

 <c:if test="${user.isSuccess}">

Now i need to find the value of user.isSuccess you can run the below code in in Display to see the values
set in the userObject


It takes the value from the Page context and displays the values stored in the User Object

Note : The pageContext, _jspx_page_context are different variable names used for based on IDE while debugging JSP page.