To pass data between components at the same level under parent, I.E. passing data between two children within the same parent we use @Input and @Output and pass the value through the tags.

The Other option is using EventEmitter as variable in Service and emitting value from component1 and getting value in component2.

  1. In the below code we are passing data from list-person.component.ts to add-person.component.ts
  2. We are calling instance of personcrudService to call a function which emits event which is received by ListPersonComponent OnInit() method
  3. In add-person.component.ts we subscribe to the event by using instance of personcrudService


import {EventEmitter, Injectable, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {LoggingServiceService} from './logging-service.service';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class PersoncrudService{  
  statusUpdated: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();

  constructor(public loggingServiceService: LoggingServiceService) {}

  updatePerson(id: number, status: boolean){


  selector: 'app-list-person',
  templateUrl: './list-person.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./list-person.component.css'],
  providers: [LoggingServiceService]
export class ListPersonComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private personcrudService: PersoncrudService,
              private loggingServiceService: LoggingServiceService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  updateStatus(i, status){
    this.personcrudService.updatePerson(i, status);


  selector: 'app-add-person',
  templateUrl: './add-person.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./add-person.component.css']
export class AddPersonComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private personcrudService: PersoncrudService) {

  ngOnInit(): void {
      (name: string) => alert(name + ' has been updates')

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