Annotation Usage
@RequestMapping(value = "/{name}", 
                method = RequestMethod.GET, 
                produces ="application/json",
                headers={"name=pankaj", "id=1"})
path (or) (or) name (or) and value: which URL the method is mapped to
method: compatible HTTP methods
params: filters requests based on presence, absence, or value of HTTP parameters
headers: filters requests based on presence, absence, or value of HTTP headers
consumes: which media types the method can consume in the HTTP request body
produces: which media types the method can produce in the HTTP response body
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public HttpStatus something(@RequestBody MyModel myModel) 
    return HttpStatus.OK;
with @RequestBody, Spring will bind the incoming HTTP request body(for the URL mentioned in @RequestMapping for that method) to that parameter. While doing that, Spring will [behind the scenes] use HTTP Message converters to convert the HTTP request body into domain object [deserialize request body to domain object], based on Accept header present in request.
@RequestMapping(value = "/user/all", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody List<User> listAllUsers() {
    return userService.findAllUsers();
with @ResponseBody, Spring will bind the return value to outgoing HTTP response body. While doing that, Spring will [behind the scenes] use HTTP Message converters to convert the return value to HTTP response body [serialize the object to response body], based on Content-Type present in request HTTP header

public String getDetails(
    @RequestParam(value="param1", required=true) String param1,
        @RequestParam(value="param2", required=false) String param2){
@RequestParam is to obtain an parameter from the URI as well.@RequestParam annotation used for accessing the query parameter values from the request
defaultValue – This is the default value as a fallback mechanism if request is not having the value or it is empty.
name – Name of the parameter to bind
required – Whether the parameter is mandatory or not. If it is true, failing to send that parameter will fail.
value – This is an alias for the name attribute

@RequestMapping("/hello/{id}")    public String getDetails(@PathVariable(value="id") String id,
    @RequestParam(value="param1", required=true) String param1,
    @RequestParam(value="param2", required=false) String param2){

   public String handler(@MatrixVariable("firstName") String firstName,
         @MatrixVariable("lastName") String lastName
         ) {

      return "<br>Matxrix variable <br> "
            + "firstName =" + firstName +"<br>"
            + "lastName =" + lastName;
@PathVariable is to obtain some placeholder from the URI
@MatrixVariable – a name-value pair within a path segment is referred as matrix variable. Matrix variables can appear in any path segment, each variable separated with a semicolon (;) and multiple values are separated by comma (,)

public class HelloController {
 @RequestMapping(value = "/hello.htm")
 public String hello(
   @RequestHeader(value="Accept") String accept,
   @RequestHeader(value="Accept-Language") String acceptLanguage,
   @RequestHeader(value="User-Agent", defaultValue="foo") String userAgent,
   HttpServletResponse response) {

  System.out.println("accept: " + accept);
  System.out.println("acceptLanguage: " + acceptLanguage);
  System.out.println("userAgent: " + userAgent);
  return null;
Reading http requestheader is written in HelloController
The advantage of using Spring @RequestHeader is that it will automatically throw an exception like HTTP Status 400 – Missing request header ‘X’ for method parameter of type, if the header is NOT sent in the input request (by setting required=true)

@RequestHeader for facilitating use to get the header details easily in our controller class

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