Banking System
- We have Bank Account with 2 Fields – balance and Account Number
- We have Transaction class implementing Runnable
- We create object for account with some initial balance and try to pass as parameter to runnable Transaction Object
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public class BankAccount { private Integer balance; private Integer accountNumber; private final Lock reLock = new ReentrantLock(); public BankAccount(Integer balance, Integer accountNumber){ this.balance = balance; this.accountNumber = accountNumber; } public void debitAmount(Integer amount){ reLock.lock(); try{ balance -= amount; }finally { reLock.unlock(); } } public void creditAmount(Integer amount){ reLock.lock(); try{ balance += amount; }finally { reLock.unlock(); } } public Integer getAccountNumber(){ return this.accountNumber; } public Integer getBalance(){ return this.balance; } }
public class BankTransaction implements Runnable{ public Integer transAmount; public BankAccount bankAccount; public BankTransaction(Integer transAmount, BankAccount bankAccount){ this.transAmount = transAmount; this.bankAccount = bankAccount; } @Override public void run() { if(transAmount >= 0){ bankAccount.creditAmount(transAmount); }else{ bankAccount.debitAmount(Math.abs(transAmount)); } } }
public class BankSystem { public static void main(String[] args) { BankAccount objAcc1 = new BankAccount(1000, 101); BankAccount objAcc2 = new BankAccount(2000, 102); Thread objThread1 = new Thread(new BankTransaction(50, objAcc1)); Thread objThread2 = new Thread(new BankTransaction(-150, objAcc2)); Thread objThread3 = new Thread(new BankTransaction(250, objAcc2)); Thread objThread4 = new Thread(new BankTransaction(250, objAcc1)); objThread1.start(); objThread2.start(); objThread3.start(); objThread4.start(); try{ objThread1.join(); objThread2.join(); objThread3.join(); objThread4.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } System.out.println("Final Balance in Account " + objAcc1.getAccountNumber() + " with balance " + objAcc1.getBalance()); System.out.println("Final Balance in Account " + objAcc2.getAccountNumber() + " with balance " + objAcc2.getBalance()); } }
Final Balance in Account 101 with balance 1300 Final Balance in Account 102 with balance 2100