//taking number as parameter
	function convert_digit_to_words($no)  
	//creating array  of word for each digit
	 $words = array('0'=> 'Zero' ,'1'=> 'one' ,'2'=> 'two' ,'3' => 'three','4' => 'four','5' => 'five','6' => 'six','7' => 'seven','8' => 'eight','9' => 'nine','10' => 'ten','11' => 'eleven','12' => 'twelve','13' => 'thirteen','14' => 'fourteen','15' => 'fifteen','16' => 'sixteen','17' => 'seventeen','18' => 'eighteen','19' => 'nineteen','20' => 'twenty','30' => 'thirty','40' => 'forty','50' => 'fifty','60' => 'sixty','70' => 'seventy','80' => 'eighty','90' => 'ninty','100' => 'hundred','1000' => 'thousand','100000' => 'lac','10000000' => 'crore');
	 //$words = array('0'=> '0' ,'1'=> '1' ,'2'=> '2' ,'3' => '3','4' => '4','5' => '5','6' => '6','7' => '7','8' => '8','9' => '9','10' => '10','11' => '11','12' => '12','13' => '13','14' => '14','15' => '15','16' => '16','17' => '17','18' => '18','19' => '19','20' => '20','30' => '30','40' => '40','50' => '50','60' => '60','70' => '70','80' => '80','90' => '90','100' => '100','1000' => '1000','100000' => '100000','10000000' => '10000000');
	 //for decimal number taking decimal part
	$cash=(int)$no;  //take number wihout decimal
	$decpart = $no - $cash; //get decimal part of number
	$decpart=sprintf("%01.2f",$decpart); //take only two digit after decimal
	$decpart1=substr($decpart,2,1); //take first digit after decimal
	$decpart2=substr($decpart,3,1);   //take second digit after decimal  
	//if given no. is decimal than  preparing string for decimal digit's word
	 $decimalstr.="point ".$numbers[$decpart1]." ".$numbers[$decpart2];
	    if($no == 0)
	        return ' ';
	    else {
	            while($no>=100)    {
	                if(($value <= $no) &&($no  < $value1))    {
	                $highno = (int)($no/$value);
	                $remainno = $no % $value;
	                $value= $value1;
	                $value1 = $value * 100;
	          if(array_key_exists("$highno",$words))  //check if $high value is in $words array
	              return $words["$highno"]." ".$novalue." ".convert_digit_to_words($remainno).$decimalstr;  //recursion
	          else {
	             $ten =(int)($highno/10)*10;
	             return $words["$ten"]." ".$words["$unit"]." ".$novalue." ".convert_digit_to_words($remainno
	             ).$decimalstr; //recursion
Posted in PHP.

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