Relationship Depiction Interpretation Example
Dependency A depends on B
This is a very loose relationship and so I rarely use it, but it’s good to recognize and be able to read it.
Association An A sends messages to a B
Associations imply a direct communication path. In programming terms, it means instances of A can call methods of instances of B, for example, if a B is passed to a method of an A.
Aggregation An A is made up of B
This is a part-to-whole relationship, where A is the whole and B is the part. In code, this essentially implies A has fields of type B.
Composition An A is made up of B with lifetime dependency
That is, A aggregates B, and if the A is destroyed, its B are destroyed as well.

Are Dependency Injection and Depencency are Different?
Yes, They are. The Closest one to DI is aggregation. In Aggregation, we deal with direct objects. i.e. objects which maintain a state, life-cycle, etc.
But in Dependency Injection, we focus on class level interactions. This is diverged with pure OOP practice. Actually, in DI we tend to inject stateless classes(worker classes) into some other classes. Though they look like objects they are actually just stateless classes that are being injected. And instances of that class can stand independently too.

Assume a stateless worker class called StringUtils. It can be injected into classes called NounUtils, VerbUtils, etc. And also instances of StringUtils can also exist.

Which one is Close to Dependency(Not DI)
An association almost always implies that one object has the other object as a field/property/attribute (terminology differs).

A dependency typically (but not always) implies that an object accepts another object as a method parameter, instantiates, or uses another object. A dependency is very much implied by an association.

Association --> A has-a C object (as a member variable)
Dependency --> A references B (as a method parameter or return type)
public class A {
    private C c;
    public void myMethod(B b) {

Simple Example of Dependency, Association, Aggregation and Composition
Dependency (references)
It means there is no conceptual link between two objects. e.g. EnrollmentService object references Student & Course objects (as method parameters or return types)

public class EnrollmentService {
    public void enroll(Student s, Course c){}

Association (logical relationship) It means there is almost always a link between objects (they are associated). Order object has a Customer object

public class Bank {

public class Employee{

class Association 
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        Bank bank = new Bank("Axis");
        Employee emp = new Employee("Mani");
        System.out.println(emp.getEmployeeName() + " is employee of " + bank.getBankName());

Aggregation (has-a relationship of weak degree)
Special kind of association where there is whole-part relation between two objects. they might live without each other though.

public class PlayList {
    private List<Song> songs;


public class Computer {
    private Monitor monitor;

Note: the trickiest part is to distinguish aggregation from the normal association. Honestly, I think this is open to different interpretations.

Composition (has-a relationship of strong degree+ ownership or Part-Of)
Special kind of aggregation. An Apartment is composed of some Rooms. A Room cannot exist without an Apartment. when an apartment is deleted, all associated rooms are deleted as well.

public class Apartment{
    private Room bedroom;
    public Apartment() {
       bedroom = new Room();
Posted in UML.
Junit 5 = Platform + Jupiter + Vintage 
  1. Platform = Engine + Runner + Launcher
  2. All the Class files needed for Coding Test Cases
  3. Provides Support for Junit3 and 4

Adding Dependency in pom.xml for Junit 5

JUnit 5 Platform
includes junit-jupiter-api + junit-platform-engine


If you want to write and execute JUnit 3 or 4 tests via the JUnit Platform add the Vintage Engine to the dependencies

  1. @BeforeAll, @AfterAll – Runs Before and After Class and should be static
  2. @DisplayName – Displays description about the Test Method
  3. @Disabled – @Ignore in Junit 4. Disables the Test Method
  4. @Nested – Helps in grouping of similar test methods together
  5. @ParameterizedTest – Supplying more than one input for same method in row using array
  6. @ValueSource – Provides multiple paramters to same test method for ParameterizedTest
  7. @CsvSource – Provides multiple paramters to same test method for ParameterizedTest in Key Value Pair. Key is Input and Value is expected Output


public class AccountUtils {

    public boolean validateAccountId(String acctNo) throws IOException {
        if (getAccountIDLength(acctNo)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Account ID is Invalid");

    public boolean getAccountIDLength(String acctNo)
        if(acctNo.length() < 5) return false;
        if(acctNo.length() > 10) return false;
        if(!acctNo.contains("-")) return false;

        return true;

    public  String getFormattedAccID(String accountNo){
        return accountNo.toUpperCase();

    public String[] getBankDetails(String accountNo){
        String[] arrAccountDetails = accountNo.split("-");
        return arrAccountDetails;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;


import static;

public class AccountUtilsTest {

    AccountUtils systemUnderTest = new AccountUtils();

    static void init(){
        System.out.println("Initilize connection to Database");

    static void destroy(){
        System.out.println("Deallocate connection to Database");

    @DisplayName("AccountID Length Validation Success")
    void test_getAccountIDLength_Success(){
        boolean expectedOutput = true;
        boolean actualOutput = systemUnderTest.getAccountIDLength("SBI-104526");

        Assertions.assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);

    void test_validateAccountId_Success() throws IOException {

    @DisplayName("AccountID is Invalid ")
    void test_validateAccountId_Exception(){
        Assertions.assertThrows(IOException.class, ()->{

    @DisplayName("Account Bank Details Validation")
    void test_AccountIDForBankName_Success(){
        String[] expectedOutput = new String[]{"SBI", "104526"};
        String[] actualOutput = systemUnderTest.getBankDetails("SBI-104526");

        Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);

    class checkValidAccountId
        @ValueSource(strings={"SBI", "SBI-123456789", " ", ""})
        @DisplayName("Parameterized Test AccountID Length Validation Failiure")
        void test_getAccountIDLength_Failiure(String accountId){

        @ParameterizedTest(name="AccountID {0} formatted to {1}")
        @CsvSource(value={"sbi-123456, SBI-123456", "cbi-123456, CBI-123456"})
        @DisplayName("AccountID Format Validation")
        void getFormattedAccID_Success(String inputString, String expectedOutput){
            Assertions.assertEquals(expectedOutput, systemUnderTest.getFormattedAccID(inputString));

What is BDD?

  Given some preconditions (Arrange) -> When an action occurs (Act) -> Then verify the output (Assert)


  Given three
  When one Item is deleted
  Then Two items should be left in Cart
public class EmpServiceImplTest {

    EmployeeDB employeeDB;

    EmpServiceImpl empServiceImpl;

    @DisplayName("Check Employee in BDD Style")
    public void test_getEmployees_Success(){
        //Given - Employee List has only one row with List size as 1
        //When  - New Employee is added to the List
        //Then  -  Employee List should contain two rows

        //Given - Employee List has 3 Employees with List size as 3
        List<Employee> arrEmployees = new ArrayList<>();
        arrEmployees.add(new Employee("101", "Mugil"));
        arrEmployees.add(new Employee("102", "Max"));
        arrEmployees.add(new Employee("103", "Mani"));


        List<Employee> arrFilteredEmps = empServiceImpl.getEmployees();

        //Then - there should 3 EmployeegetEmployeeByIdFromDB
        Assertions.assertEquals(3, arrFilteredEmps.size());
  1. What is Difference between @Injectmock and @Mock?
    @Mock creates a mock. @InjectMocks creates an instance of the class and injects the mocks that are created with the @Mock (or @Spy) annotations into this instance.
    Note you must use @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) to initialize these mocks and inject them (JUnit 4).With JUnit 5, you must use @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class).

    @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) // JUnit 4
    // @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) for JUnit 5
    public class SomeManagerTest {
        private SomeManager someManager;
        private SomeDependency someDependency; // this will be injected into someManager

  2. When should I use spy vs Mock?
    Use @Mock when you want to just test the functionality externally without actually calling that method. Use @Spy when you want to test the functionality externally + internally with the very method being called. Spy is a combination of Mock(methodInterceptors) and InjectMock(Instance of class Tested).
  3. What happens when unstubbed method called?
    Mockito will return null or primitive value or empty collection
  4. Does mockito when accepts combination of specific and generic matchers?
    No. Mockito matchers should be either generic or specific.
  5. What is BDD?
    Behaviour Driven Development (Given Scenario -> When the action happens -> Then this should be the case)

    Given 3 Items in Cart ->  When One Item gets Deleted -> Then 2 Items would be in Cart
  6. How to Verify whether the Service or method call has been made?
    Verify is used to check whether the call to the method is done or not.

     Mockito.verify(employeeDB, times(1)).getEmployeeByIdFromDB("101");
     Mockito.verify(employeeDB, never()).getEmployeesFromDB();
     Mockito.verify(employeeDB, atleast(2)).getEmployeeByIdFromDB("101");
  7. How to check the arguments passed to the method?
    ArgumentCaptor<Person> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Person.class);
    assertEquals("John", argument.getValue().getName());


    //capturing varargs:
    ArgumentCaptor<Person> varArgs = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Person.class);
    List expected = asList(new Person("John"), new Person("Jane"));
    assertEquals(expected, varArgs.getAllValues());
  8. @SpringBootTest vs @runwith(springrunner.class) or @ExtendWith
    Enables spring boot features like @Autowire, @MockBean etc.. during junit testing. This is used to provide a bridge between Spring Boot test features and JUnit. Whenever we are using any Spring Boot testing features in our JUnit tests, this annotation will be required.@RunWith is an old annotation from JUnit 4 to use test runners. If you’re using JUnit 5 (Jupiter), you should use @ExtendWith to use JUnit extensions

    @SpringBootTest : This annotation is used to load complete application context for end to end integration testing.The @SpringBootTest annotation can be used when we need to bootstrap the entire container. The annotation works by creating the ApplicationContext that will be utilized in our tests. So this would be the annotation used while testing bootstrap class of Spring Boot Application. load and give me all the Spring Boot goodness

    We pass list of classes as parameter to @SpringBootTest whose configs are loaded from when the application is bootstrapped.

    @SpringBootTest(classes = {RestWithSpringBootApplication.class, EmployeeMgmtConfig.class})
    class RestWithSpringBootApplicationTests {
      void contextLoads() {
  9. How Methods are mocked Internally?
    Mockito works by storing and retrieving method invocation details on mocks using method interception
    When we invoke the when() method we are in fact recalling the last registered method call from that context, In our case it is Dep2Method() is saved and returned.The recorded behaviour is played back when our test invokes the mocked method again which triggers the interceptor to recall the return value we provided.In Mockito source code, we see when method does not use the parameter methodCall. But it tries to get the OngoingStubbing from an instance of MockingProgress. This OngoingStubbing is nothing but mocking context above.

        void doIt() {
            Mockito.when("Some Blah Blah").thenReturn("Mocked!");
            assertEquals(objTarget.doIt("Sample"), "Mocked!");
  10. What is the difference between @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) and @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)?
    If you want to use Spring test framework features in your tests like for example @MockBean, then you have to use @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class). It replaces the deprecated JUnit4 @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)

    When NOT involving Spring – If you just want to involve Mockito and don’t have to involve Spring, for example, when you just want to use the @Mock / @InjectMocks annotations, then you want to use @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class), as it doesn’t load in a bunch of unneeded Spring stuff. It replaces the deprecated JUnit4 @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class).

  11. When to use @Extendwith and @Runwith?
    If you are using Junit version < 5, so you have to use @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) or @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) etc.If you are using Junit version = 5, so you have to use @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) or @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) Junit4 uses *Runner.class in annotation with @RunWith

    SpringRunner.class and MockitoJunitRunner.class for Junit4
    SpringExtension.class and MockitoExtension.class for Junit5
  1. Till now we were sending requests over HTTP. Now lets make HTTP secured using https by installing certificate in our project
  2. To generate certificate we use Key Store Explorer and will generate PKCS#12 Certificate

  3. Generate a public and private key and save the keystore
  4. The Keystore should be copied to the resources folder and the credentials of the keystore should be added to as below.

    # The format used for the keystore. It could be set to JKS in case it is a JKS file
    # The path to the keystore containing the certificate
    # The password used to generate the certificate
  5. Since the certificare generated(keystore file) cannot be cross checked with CA(Certificate Authority) it would display message like one below for the authenticy of certificate, whether it should be accpeted or not. How ever you can continue further by clicking on advanced

Note: While performing CRUD the addition of user is a JSON request which should be carried out only from postman. For this enable interceptor plugin in Chrome so that cookies set in chrome would be available in Postman.

Further Reads:
How SSL Works

The server gives the client a one-time-use number (a nonce) that it combines with the username, realm, password, and URI request. The client runs all of those fields through an MD5 hashing method to produce a hash key.

It sends this hash key to the server along with the username and the realm to attempt to authenticate.
Server-side the same method is used to generate a hash key, only instead of using the password typed into the browser, the server looks up the expected password for the user from its user DB. It looks up the stored password for this username, runs in through the same algorithm, and compares it to what the client sent. If they match then access is granted, otherwise, it can send back a 401 Unauthorized (no login or failed login) or a 403 Forbidden (access denied).


  1. Client makes request
  2. Client gets back a nonce from the server and a 401 authentication request
  3. Client sends back the following response array
     (username, realm, generate_md5_key(nonce, username, realm, URI, password_given_by_user_to_browser)) 
  4. The server takes username and realm (plus it knows the URI the client is requesting) and it looks up the password for that username in DB. Then it goes and does its own version of
     generate_md5_key(nonce, username, realm, URI, password_I_have_for_this_user_in_my_db)
  5. It compares the output of generate_md5() that it got with the one the client sent, if they match the client sent the correct password. If they don’t match the password sent was wrong.

It doesn’t require sending the username and password across the wire in plaintext. It is also immune to replay-attacks, as it uses a one-time number from the server.

Lets assume, Alice sent a message and digest pair to Bob. To check the integrity of the message Bob runs the cryptographic hash function on the received message and gets a new digest. Now, Bob will compare the new digest and the digest sent by Alice. If, both are same then Bob is sure that the original message is not changed.

Step by Step Action

  1. client sends a request for an access-protected resource, but an acceptable Authorization header field is not sent
  2. server responds with a “401 Unauthorized” status code and a WWW-Authenticate header field (the digest-challenge)
  3. client sends another request for the same resource but containing a Authorization header field in response to the challenge (the digest-response)
  4. if the authorization is not successful, go to step 2; otherwise the server proceeds as normal.


  1. Intermediate Operations returns Stream as output. methods like map(), sorted(), distinct() would return stream as output
  2. Terminal Operations returns something other than Stream. Collect() returns collection. Reduce() returns one element

Converting list to a stream and print them

List<Integer> arrNumbers = List.of(10,27,31, 35, 40, 44, 48, 50);
//Convert list to stream
Stream objStream =;

//Static Method Reference

Both Map and Filter returns Streams.
Filter takes predicate as input and adds element to stream based on result of predicate(I.E. True or false).
Map takes function as input and adds transformed object value to stream.
Reduce takes function as input and returns a single value that is computed going over the entire rows in stream.

Filter is used for filtering the data, it always returns the boolean value. If it returns true, the item is added to list else it is filtered out (ignored)

  1. Filter takes a predicate as argument. Predicate returns boolean. The Output of Filter is a Stream
  2. Predicate object which is technically a function to convert an object to boolean. We pass an object and it will return true or false.
  3. filter() method is lazy like map, it wont be evaluated until you call a reduction method, like collect

Using Filter to filter names in list and print them

import java.util.*;

List<String> arrNames = List.of("Mugil", "Mani", "Madhu");
        .filter(name -> name.equals("Mugil"))
List<Integer> arrNumbers = List.of(10,27,31, 35, 40, 44, 48, 50);
List<String> arrSkills = List.of("Spring Boot", "Spring Security", "Java 8", "Microservices", "Spring MVC");

//Printing Even Numbers
System.out.println("------Even Numbers-------");;

//Printing Even Numbers
System.out.println("------Even Numbers-------"); -> no%2==0).forEach(System.out::println);

//Printing Odd Numbers
System.out.println("------Odd Numbers-------"); -> no%2==1).forEach(System.out::println);

//Printing Odd Numbers
System.out.println("------Print Spring Skills-------"); -> skill.toLowerCase().contains("spring"))

private static boolean isEven(int no){
        return no%2==0;


------Even Numbers-------
------Odd Numbers-------
------Print Spring  Skills-------
Spring Boot
Spring Security
Spring MVC

By using map, you transform the object values. the map returns the transformed object value as Stream.

  1. Map takes a function as a argument and performs transform action on elements. The Output of Map is a Stream
  2. map() is used to transform one object into another by applying a function.
  3. mapper) takes a function as an argument.
  4. mapping function converts one object to the other. Then, the map() function will do the transformation for you. It is also an intermediate Stream operation, which means you can call other Stream methods, like a filter, or collect on this to create a chain of transformations.
List<Integer> arrNum = List.of(5,6,8,57,4,1,26,84,15);
List<String> arrSkills = List.of("Spring Boot", "Spring Security", "Java 8", "Microservices", "Spring MVC");

//Printing Square of Numbers whose value less than 15
System.out.println("------Square of Numbers-------");
      .filter(num -> num<15)   
      .map(num -> num*num)

//Print Total Characters in String
System.out.println("------Print Total Characters in String-------");
		.map(skill -> skill + " contains "+ skill.length()+ " Characters")


------Square of Numbers-------
------Print Total Characters in String-------
Spring Boot Contains 11 Characters
Spring Security Contains 4 Characters
Java 8 Contains 5 Characters


  1. Stream.reduce() takes function as Parameter
  2. Reduction stream operations allow us to produce one single result from a sequence of elements, by repeatedly applying a combining operation to the elements in the sequence.
  3. Stream.reduce() operation Contains Identity, Accumulator and Combiner
  4. Identity – an element that is the initial value of the reduction operation and the default result if the stream is empty
  5. Accumulator – a function that takes two parameters: a partial result of the reduction operation and the next element of the stream
  6. Combiner – a function used to combine the partial result of the reduction operation when the reduction is parallelized or when there’s a mismatch between the types of the accumulator arguments and the types of the accumulator implementation

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class ReduceEgs {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Integer> arrNumbers =  Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);

        System.out.println(, ReduceEgs::sumNos));

    public static Integer sumNos(int x, int y){
        System.out.println("a -"+ x + " b - "+  y);

        return x+y;


a -0 b - 1
a -1 b - 2
a -3 b - 3
a -6 b - 4
a -10 b - 5
a -15 b - 6
a -21 b - 7
a -28 b - 8
a -36 b - 9

In the above example

  1. the Integer value 0 is the identity. It stores the initial value of the reduction operation and also the default result when the stream of Integer values is empty.
  2. the lambda expression x+y represented by function sumNos is the accumulator since it takes the partial sum of Integer values and the next element in the stream.
  3. When a stream executes in parallel, the Java runtime splits the stream into multiple substreams. In such cases, we need to use a function to combine the results of the substreams into a single one. This is the role of the combiner

Role of combiner would be visibile only in parallelStream with output as below. It would be hard to interpret the output response in console.

 System.out.println(arrNumbers.parallelStream().reduce(0, ReduceEgs::sumNos));


a -0 b - 6
a -0 b - 5
a -5 b - 6
a -0 b - 1
a -0 b - 7
a -0 b - 9
a -0 b - 2
a -1 b - 2
a -0 b - 3
a -0 b - 8
a -8 b - 9
a -0 b - 4
a -3 b - 4
a -3 b - 7
a -7 b - 17
a -11 b - 24
a -10 b - 35

Alternate ways to Sum Nos

public static void main(String[] args) {
 List<Integer> arrNumbers =  Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);

 Integer sum =, Integer::sum);
 Integer sum2 =, (x,y)->x+y);


Once you get the values in stream then it should be typecast to its original type before calling its methods as values are stored as Objects in stream

Below you could see the name is typecast to String before calling lowerCase method

List<String> arrNames = Arrays.asList("Mugil", "Mani", "Vinu");
Stream arrNameStream =;
arrNameStream.forEach(name -> System.out.println(((String)name).toLowerCase()));