What is Limit Order?
Maximum Price you could afford to pay to buy a Share (or)
Minimum Price at which you are ready to sell a share

What is Limit Buy Order?
For example, a buy limit order can be put in for $2.40 when a stock is
trading at $2.45. If the price dips to $2.40, the order is automatically executed.

What is Sell Limit Order?
For example, a sell limit order can be put in for $2.40 when a stock is
trading at $2.35. If the price dips to $2.40, the order is automatically executed.

For example, a sell limit order can be put in for $2.40 when a stock is
trading at $2.35. If the price dips to $2.40, the order is automatically executed.

What is Stop-Limit Order?
A stop-limit order is an order placed with a broker that combines the features of a stop order
with those of a limit order. A stop-limit order will be executed at a specified price, or better, after a
given stop price has been reached. Once the stop price is reached, the stop-limit order becomes a limit
order to buy or sell at the limit price or better.

A stop-limit order requires the setting of two price points. The first point initiates the start of
the specified action, referred to as the stop, while the second represents the outside of the
investor’s target price, referred to as the limit. A timeframe must also be set,
during which the stop-limit order is considered executable.

For example, assume that ABC Inc. is trading at $40 and an investor wants to buy the stock once it begins to show some serious upward momentum. The investor has put in a stop-limit order to buy with the stop price at $45 and the limit price at $46. If the price of ABC Inc. moves above $45 stop price, the order is activated and turns into a limit order. As long as the order can be filled under $46, which is the limit price, the trade will be filled. If the stock gaps above $46, the order will not be filled.

import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.*

def list = []
def headers = testStep.testRequest.requestHeaders
headers["Cookie"] = list
testStep.testRequest.requestHeaders = headers
log.info testStep.testRequest.requestHeaders["Cookie"]
package com.mugil.first
import jxl.*
import jxl.write.*

class ExcelUtils {
	public static void main(String[] args)
	static def writeExcel()
		WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("d:\\output.xls"))
		WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Worksheet1", 0)		 
		for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
			for(int j=0;j<5;j++)
				Label label = new Label(i, j, i+","+j);
	static def readExcel()
		Workbook workbook1 = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("d:\\output.xls"))
		Sheet sheet1 = workbook1.getSheet(0)
		Cell a1 = sheet1.getCell(0,2) 
		Cell b2 = sheet1.getCell(2,2) 
		Cell c2 = sheet1.getCell(2,1)
		println a1.getContents();
		println b2.getContents();
		println c2.getContents();		

What def Keyword Does?
def is a replacement for a type name. In variable definitions it is used to indicate that you don’t care about the type. In variable definitions it is mandatory to either provide a type name explicitly or to use “def” in replacement. This is needed to make variable definitions detectable for the Groovy parser.You can think of def as an alias of Object and you will understand it in an instant.

def name = "Stephanie"
println name.toUpperCase() // no cast required

while you would need an explicit cast in the Java version

Object name = "Stephanie";
System.out.println(((String) name).toUpperCase());

Omitting the “def” keyword puts the variable in the bindings for the current script and groovy treats it (mostly) like a globally scoped variable:

x = 1
assert x == 1
assert this.binding.getVariable("x") == 1

Using the def keyword instead does not put the variable in the scripts bindings:

def y = 2
assert y == 2
try {
} catch (groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException e) {
    println "error caught"

Prints: “error caught”

If you define a method in your script, it won’t have access to the variables that are created with “def” in the body of the main script as they aren’t in scope:

x = 1
def y = 2

public bar() {
    assert x == 1

    try {
        assert y == 2
    } catch (groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException e) {
        println "error caught"


prints “error caught”

The “y” variable isn’t in scope inside the function. “x” is in scope as groovy will check the bindings of the current script for the variable.

JARs to be added

  • poi-3.8.jar
  • poi-examples-3.8.jar
  • poi-excelant-3.8.jar
  • poi-ooxml-3.8.jar
  • poi-ooxml-schemas-3.8.jar
  • poi-scratchpad-3.8.jar
  • dom4j-1.6.1.jar

Reading Excel Sheet

import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.*;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import java.io.*;
class ExcelReader {
  def readData() {
        def path = "D:\\Test.xlsx";
        InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(path);
        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream);
        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        Iterator rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator();
        Row row;                       
        def rowsData = []
        while(rowIterator.hasNext()) {
             row = rowIterator.next()
             def rowIndex = row.getRowNum()
             def colIndex;
             def rowData = []
             for (Cell cell : row) {
                 colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex()
                  rowData[colIndex] = cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString();
             rowsData << rowData
def groovyUtils = new com.eviware.soapui.support.GroovyUtils(context)
def myTestCase = context.testCase
ExcelReader excelReader = new ExcelReader();
List rows = excelReader.readData();
def d = []
Iterator i = rows.iterator();
while( i.hasNext()){
         d = i.next();
         myTestCase.setPropertyValue("From", d[0])
         myTestCase.setPropertyValue("To", d[1])       
         testRunner.runTestStepByName( "ConversionRate")

How to view Budget

  1. Growth
  2. Development
  3. Inflation(Stability in Economy)
  4. Immediate Challenges

Based on how well the above things are promised and how feasible the solutions are for the above
we can rate the budget

The motive of Government Budget is to increase GDP.It is like when the whole economy goes up the GDP goes up. When the Cake that should be shared is large everyone gets a big piece out of it.When the economy grows, GDP grows and cash flow among people would grow.

In our GDP 2 out of 3 comes from Service sector and foreign clients contribute a huge part of it.

GDP can be measured like one below

GDP = C + I + G + (x-m)

G – Government Stimulus to promote economy Growth
X – Export
I – Private Investment
C – Consumption Expenditure(Affected due to demonetization at present)
m – Imports

As per the current Situation

  • There is No Major Government Stimulus
  • Import is more then Export.So x-m is Negative
  • Private Investment is Lethargic because of Trump
  • Consumption is low because of demonetization

Government Stimulus helps in Capital Expenditure. Capital Expenditure is the One Incurred by the Company during initial stages of establishment. Capital Expenditure are very less compared to Revenue Expenditure. Revenue Expenditure helps in daily process or functioning of company like purchase of raw materials to making it finished goods.

Difference Between Deficit, Revenue, Expenditure and Relationship

SOAP is a protocol. REST is an architectural style.
SOAP can’t use REST because it is a protocol. REST can use SOAP web services because it is a concept and can use any protocol like HTTP, SOAP.
Uses services interfaces to expose the business logic. Uses URI to expose business logic.
JAX-WS is the java API for SOAP web services. JAX-RS is the java API for RESTful web services.
SOAP standards should be strictly followed since it is protocol REST does not define too much standards like SOAP
requires more bandwidth and heavy requires less bandwidth and resource
SOAP defines its own security RESTful web services inherits security measures from the underlying transport.
SOAP permits XML data format only. REST permits different data format such as Plain text, HTML, XML, JSON etc.
SOAP is less preferred REST more preferred than SOAP

When to use SOAP?

  • Exposes operation over a logic – It aligns to enterprises application needs and goals
  • When using SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and JMS
  • It could be used when multiple systems are involved in Distributed Environment I.E. System A -> System B -> System C
  • In a complex system like banks WSDL serves as a agreed agreement for interpreting data over different system
  • SOAP uses two varieties,Synchronous Messaging over HTTP,Asynchronous Messaging over HTTP
    With synchronous messaging, the Requestor makes a request and the transport layer code blocks waiting for a response from the Provider. The Requestor receives the response on the same HTTP connection that the Requestor initially established to send the request. Synchronous exchange is usually easier to implement and requires that the Provider be able to generate a response in a short time, specifically in a time less than the HTTP timeout value(generally 120sec). [A single HTTP Connection is used that itself behaves Synchronously]
    With asynchronous messaging, the Requestor is able to release transport specific resources once the request is acknowledged by the responder, knowing that a response will eventually be received. When the Provider completes the processing of the message it sends a response back to the Requestor over a new HTTP connection. [Here we utilize two HTTP Connections to implement an asynchronous messaging]

    1. first HTTP Connection is used that for sending the Request and receiving an acknowledgement HTTP Response 200/OK
    2. second HTTP Connection is used for receiving the callback and responding HTTP Response 200/OK]
  • SOAP has a option for Service Registry where you can see who is registered for services and who could consume our services
  • Ideal for enterprise application where security(WS-Security), transaction(WS-AT) and reliability(WS-RM) are main concerns

When to use REST?

  • Exposes Resources over data – Simple point to pint communication between two systems System A -> System B
  • While working with synchronous environment
  • Could be used if you want to communicate over Stateless protocol like HTTP/HTTPS
  • It could be consumed by any Client simple by using AJAX and Javascript
  • Rest mostly uses resource as nouns and verbs like delete user, add user, edit user in its URI model
  • REST is purely an HTTP transport based call and you will receive a response say 200 OK. Synchronous messaging. The disadvantage is in order to
    have good scale-ability the architecture should be asynchronous
  • Ideal for mashup where datas are taken from various resources like twitter and less secured data communication

Puzzle 1:Crossing the Bridge Puzzle
Four people need to cross a rickety bridge at night. Unfortunately, they have only one torch and the bridge is too dangerous to cross without one. The bridge is only strong enough to support two people at a time. Not all people take the same time to cross the bridge. Times for each person: 1 min, 2 mins, 7 mins and 10 mins. What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the bridge?

Puzzle 2:Burning Rope Timer:
A man has two ropes of varying thickness (Those two ropes are not identical, they aren’t the same density nor the same length nor the same width). Each rope burns in 60 minutes. He actually wants to measure 45 mins. How can he measure 45 mins using only these two ropes.
He can’t cut the one rope in half because the ropes are non-homogeneous and he can’t be sure how long it will burn.

Puzzle 3:How do you measure 50 Mins in the above scenario?

Puzzle 4:Heaven Gate Puzzle:
You are standing before two doors. One of the path leads to heaven and the other one leads to hell. There are two guardians, one by each door. You know one of them always tells the truth and the other always lies, but you don’t know who is the honest one and who is the liar.You can only ask one question to one of them in order to find the way to heaven. What is the question?

Puzzle 5:King and Wine Bottles
A bad king has a cellar of 1000 bottles of delightful and very expensive wine. A neighboring queen plots to kill the bad king and sends a servant to poison the wine. Fortunately (or say unfortunately) the bad king’s guards catch the servant after he has only poisoned one bottle. Alas, the guards don’t know which bottle but know that the poison is so strong that even if diluted 100,000 times it would still kill the king. Furthermore, it takes one month to have an effect. The bad king decides he will get some of the prisoners in his vast dungeons to drink the wine. Being a clever bad king he knows he needs to murder no more than 10 prisoners – believing he can fob off such a low death rate – and will still be able to drink the rest of the wine (999 bottles) at his anniversary party in 5 weeks time. Explain what is in mind of the king, how will he be able to do so ? (of course he has less then 1000 prisoners in his prisons)

Puzzle 6:Age Puzzles
Salman’s youth lasted one sixth of his life. He grew a beard after one twelfth more. After one seventh more of his life, he married. 5 years later, he and his wife had a son. The son lived exactly one half as long as his father, and salman died four years after his son.How many years did salman live?

Puzzle 7:Inverted Triangle Puzzle
Triangle is constructed from 10 coins. What is the smallest number of coins that need to be moved to make the triangle point downwards?

Puzzle 8:Birds and Flower Puzzle
Once there came many birds to a pond. There were certain number of lotus flowers in the pond. If each bird occupied one lotus one bird was left alone without any flower. If two birds sat in a flower one flower was left behind. Find the total number of birds and flowers.

Puzzle 9:Time and Machines
If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

Puzzle 10:Fastest of 25 Horse
There are 25 horses among which you need to find out the fastest 3 horses. You can conduct race among at most 5 to find out their relative speed. At no point you can find out the actual speed of the horse in a race. Find out how many races are required to get the top 3 horses.

Puzzle 11:A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
The Question is tricky in the sense the cost of bat is never unveiled.What is said is how much the bat would cost in excess with respect to ball price.If you are witty you end up telling ball cost is 0.10 which is wrong for below reason.

Puzzle 12: Find age of Daughters
Rishi has three daughters. His friend Shyam wants to know the ages of his daughters. Rishi gives him the first hint.
1.The product of their ages is 36.Shyam says this is not enough information so rishi gives him a second hint.
2.The sum of their ages is equal to my house number. Shyam goes out and look at the house number but still could not figure out ages of daughter
rishi tells Shyam cannot guess and gives him the third hint. 3.The oldest of the girls likes ice-cream.

Puzzle 13: There are 10 robbers who has stolen some coins from a bank and they decided to divide these coins equally among themselves. So they divide the coins into 10 parts but the last robber got 1 coin less than other robbers. So the remaining 9 robbers murder las robber. They again decided to divide the coins into 9 parts. But this time again the last robber got 1 less coin than other robbers. So again the remaining 8 robbers murder last and try to divide all coins in between remaining 8 robbers. But again this time last got one less coin than the other. Now, this process goes on until 1 robber left i.e. The only one robber left take all the coins and run away. Now you have to guess the total number of coins.

Puzzle 14: You have 10 Coins in which 5 are heads up and 5 are tails up. You could not find the which coin is head up and tails up by touching. Now you need to make 2 piles with both the piles having same no of coins heads up and tails up.


Puzzle 1:Solution
It is 17 mins.1 and 2 go first, then 1 comes back. Then 7 and 10 go and 2 comes back. Then 1 and 2 go again, it makes a total of 17 minutes.

Puzzle 2:Solution
He will burn one of the rope at both the ends and the second rope at one end. After half an hour, the first one burns completely and at this point of time, he will burn the other end of the second rope so now it will take 15 mins more to completely burn. so total time is 30+15 i.e. 45mins.

Step 1: Burn one rope in both the ends and one rope in one end
Rope 1  x------------------------------------------x       
Rope 2  x------------------------------------------        

After 30 Mins rope 1 would be completely burnt and rope 2 would be left as below
Rope 1  ...................x........................
Rope 2  ...................x------------------------        

Step 2: After 30 Mins lid the other end of rope to measure 15 mins
Rope 1  ...................x........................
Rope 2  ...................x-----------------------x        

After 45 Mins
Rope 1  ...................x........................
Rope 2  ...........................................x          

x    Fire
---- Rope
.... Burnt Rope Ash

Puzzle 3:Solution
50mins can be split to 30 Mins1/2 of an hour + 20 Mins1/3 of the hour which is buring one rope from both ends + burning rope in one end and in middle of rope. We already know to measure 30 mins the rope should be lid on both the ends. To measure 20 mins the rope should be lid in 2 places as below. The second spot can be anywhere in the middle of the rope. Since the rope burns non uniformly it doesn’t matter. Now this should be done again and again until the rope burns out. Basically, we are measuring 1/3rd of hour by burning at 2 ends.

Rope 2  x--------x----------------------------------        After nth minute
Rope 2                     x--------------x---------        After n+1 minute
Rope 2                          x----x                      After n+2 minute

Puzzle 4:Solution
“If I ask the other guard about which side leads to heaven, what would he answer?”.

Puzzle 5:Solution
Think in terms of binary numbers.

Number the bottles 1 to 1000 and write the number in binary format (10 digit binary).

bottle 1    = 0000000001 
bottle 2    = 0000000010
bottle 500  = 0111110100
bottle 1000 = 1111101000

Now take 10 prisoners and number them 1 to 10, now let prisoner 1 take a sip from every bottle that has a 1 in its least significant bit. Let prisoner 10 take a sip from every bottle with a 1 in its most significant bit. etc.

prisoner = 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
bottle 924 = 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

For instance, bottle no. 924 would be sipped by 10,9,8,5,4 and 3. That way if bottle no. 924 was the poisoned one, only those prisoners would die.
After four weeks, line the prisoners up in their bit order and read each living prisoner as a 0 bit and each dead prisoner as a 1 bit. The number that you get is the bottle of wine that was poisoned.1000 is less than 1024 (2^10). If there were 1024 or more bottles of wine it would take more than 10 prisoners.

Puzzle 6:Solution

x/6 + x/12 + x/7 + 5 + x/2 + 4 = x

where x is salman’s age at the time of his death.Therefore, salman lived exactly 84 years.

Puzzle 7:Solution

Puzzle 8:Solution
There are 4 lotus flowers and 3 birds. Let the 0s represent the birds. Let the 1s represent the lotus flowers.
CASE 1:Each bird sat on each lotus flower, one bird was left alone.

                          1      1      1       1
                          0      0      0      

CASE 2:Two birds sat on each lotus flower, one flower was left alone.

                       (1 1)       (1 1)
                          0           0            0

Another Way of Solving
Let F be the flowers and B be the Birds. If Birds and Flower are equal in Number then F=B. Below the Equations are Derived from Birds Perspective.
As per Case1 B = F+1 (If one bird is sitting in one flower then one more flower is required)
As per Case2 B/2 = F-1 (If 2 birds occupy flower then one flower is extra)

From Case1 F = B/2+1 Replacing the value of F in Case1

B = B/2+1+1

Replacing B=4 in Case1

Puzzle 9:Solution
5 Minutes

Puzzle 10:Solution

  1. Step1:Split the horses into five sets and race among them.At the end of Five race you could identify the fastest horse in the set
  2. Step2:Now race the top 5 horses from 5 set and get the fastest of all horse.It is 41 in our case
  3. Step3:Reorder the set in such a way that Fastest horse set comes first ending up with slowest horse.
  4. Step4:Now we can remove the remaining horses from last 2 groups as we know for sure that horses in those group cannot be second and third fastest horse since there are horses faster than the horses in 4 and 5th from the 6th race we conducted
  5. Step5:Now I could remove the remaining horses in third set since I know they could not be 3rd fastest as we know the fastest horse in group
  6. Step6:Lets remove the other 3 horses in second group as I know 3rd fastest horse is in third group(Race2)
  7. Step7:I am going to eliminate the last 2 horses in first group(Race3) since we are interested in first 3 fastest horse
  8. Step8: Lets have a final race 7 to find the fastest three horse from set of {24,21,26,36,20,30} which is {36,30}
Race1	10	36	11	20	15	
Race2	15	18	19	10	30	
Race3	21	24	10	41	10	
Race4	11	10	19	4	13	
Race5	25	17	6	9	19	
Race1	36	20	15	11	10	
Race2	30	19	18	15	10	
Race3	41	24	21	10	10	
Race4	19	13	11	10	4	
Race5	25	19	17	9	6	

Step2 and Step3						 
Race3	41	24	21	10	10	
Race1	36	20	15	11	10	
Race2	30	19	18	15	10	
Race5	25	19	17	9	6	
Race4	19	13	11	10	4	
Race3	41	24	21	10	10	
Race1	36	20	15	11	10	
Race2	30	19	18	15	10	

Race3	41	24	21	10	10	
Race1	36	20	15	11	10	
Race2	30					

Race3	41	24	21	10	10	
Race1	36	20				
Race2	30					

Race3	41	24	21			
Race1	36	20				
Race2	30					

Race3	41	
Race1	36	
Race2	30					

Fastest Horse  1	41					
Fastest Horse  2	36					
Fastest Horse  3	30				

Refer here

Puzzle 11:Solution

x = ball 
y = bat

x + y = 1.10;
y = x + 1; 
x + x + 1 = 1.10;
2x + 1 =1.10;
2x = 0.10;

Cost of ball = 0.5;
Cost of bat =  1.05;

Puzzle 12:Solution
Shyam is able to guess after the third hint. Can you guess what are the ages of three daughters?

Hint 1: The product of their ages is 36

1 × 1 × 36 = 36
1 × 2 × 18 = 36
1 × 3 × 12 = 36
1 × 4 × 9 = 36
1 × 6 × 6 = 36
2 × 2 × 9 = 36
2 × 3 × 6 = 36
3 × 3 × 4 = 36

Hint 2: The sum of their ages is equal to my house number

1 + 1 + 36 = 38
1 + 2 + 18 = 21
1 + 3 + 12 = 16
1 + 4 + 9 = 14
1 + 6 + 6 = 13
2 + 2 + 9 = 13
2 + 3 + 6 = 11
3 + 3 + 4 = 10

Here in is the crux of the puzzle, we obviously don’t know the man’s door number. We can assume that the second man does. At this stage we are only assuming, but the fact that he is able later, to definitively answer the puzzle will mean that this is no longer an assumption. And remember we are trying to explain what happened. Even with the door number, the second man does not know the ages of the daughters, so it must still be ambiguous, there are only two combinations that have the same total which leads to ambiguity.

1 + 6 + 6 = 13
2 + 2 + 9 = 13

Hint 3:The oldest of the girls likes ice-cream
Since there is only one oldest the combination is 2 + 2 + 9 = 13.The daughters age is 2,2,9.

If the above question is asked with third hint youngest daughter has blue eyes then the answer would be 1 + 6 + 6 = 13.The daughters age is 1,6,6

Puzzle 13:Solution
Let the robbers be


  After Split1

  After Split2

  After Split3


  After Split10

Let the total coins be N.After the first split Robber10 gets 1 coin less than remaining so they kill Robber10. So in order for equal split it should be (N+1) Coins in total.The same thing happens again and again. Let’s substitute robbers with numbers for ease of split.

Robber1	  -	1
Robber2	  -	2
Robber3	  -	3
Robber4	  -	4
Robber5	  -	5
Robber6	  -	6
Robber7	  -	7
Robber8	  -	8
Robber9	  -	9
Robber10  -	10

If the coins needs to be equally split, we need to arrive at a number which is divisible by all the robbers. We need to find Least Common Multiple for above number

Total Coins for equal split = LCM(10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) = 2520

Since we have one coin less that LCM of above number the total coins robbers took is 2519.

Puzzle 14:Solution
Make 2 piles with the equal number of coins. Now, flip all the coins in one of the pile.

Case 1:

P1 : H T T T T
P2 : H H H H T

After flipping

P1 : T H H H H
P2 : H H H H T

P1(heads) = P2(heads)

Case 1:

P1 : H T H T T
P2 : H H T H T

After flipping

P1 : T H T H H
P2 : H H H H T

P1(heads) = P2(heads)

What is difference between Eclipse Project -> Clean and mvn clean?

Eclipse project clean is only clearing out the folders that are set as output folder in the project’s preferences.It Deletes previously generated Eclipse files (like .project and .classpath and .settings) and then generates new ones, thus, effectively updating them.

It may be useful if you introduced some changes in pom.xml

mvn clean command deletes target directory and then builds all you code and
installs artifacts into local repository.

What Maven update Project Does?

It syncs the Eclipse project settings with that of the pom. If you for example change important plugin settings, such as the output java version, you will find that Eclipse will ask you to update the project and afterwards the configured Java runtime in the project will have changed to reflect what your Maven pom indicates.

  1. That is an important thing to keep in mind: the Maven pom is the lead in this kind of project setup. If you want settings to change, try to do that through the pom and not through Eclipse project settings directly or doing a project update might revert what you have changed. There are usually some things I have to correct myself anyway though, such as build path exclusions that m2eclipse likes to put in and strange deployment assembly configurations.
  2. Update Project also provides more options such as Force Update of Snapshots / Releases which is extremely helpful when you have dependencies that are looking for the latest. (e.g.: [1.0) will find 1.0.* – whatever’s the latest.)

Two types of Maven dependencies
Direct: These are dependencies defined in your pom.xml file under the section.
Transitive: These are dependencies that are dependencies of your direct dependencies.

What are dependencies with provided scope meant to?
Either be excluded from the final artifact (for example, for war files you would not want to include servlet-api, servlet-jsp, etc) since the server itself has the servlet related jar files

Difference Between Update Snapshots and Update Dependency
By default Maven is supposed to update snapshots once a day.Specific dependency is determined using group, name and version. These attributes can be identical for two different snapshots. Maven uses the latest snapshot based on internal time stamp.

what is the difference between classpath and build path?
The classpath is the conventional way to tell the Java compiler and the Java runtime where to find compiled classes.The class path is used at runtime to load compiled classes and resources.

The build path is used for building your application. It contains all of your source files and all Java libraries that are required to compile the application.The IDE uses this to figure out the classpath and sourcepath for compiling the Java code.The build path is used at compile time to find the dependencies needed to build your project.

For example, an Eclipse build path for a project includes the other projects that it depends on, and lists any additional library JARs that the project contains / relies on. It also lists the packages in the current project that downstream projects can depend on.

If you are using Maven for your project, the IDE buildpath mechanism is secondary to the dependencies declared in the POM files. For example, using Eclipse with the m2eclipse, the buildpath is synthesized from the POM files.

What is .project and .classpath files in Eclipse
The .project file is maintained by the core Eclipse platform, and its goal is to describe the project from a generic, plugin-independent Eclipse view.When a project is created in the workspace, a project description file is automatically generated that describes the project. The sole purpose of this file is to make the project self-describing, so that a project that is zipped up or released to a server can be correctly recreated in another workspace.

.classpath Classpath specifies which Java source files and resource files in a project are considered by the Java builder and specifies how to find types outside of the project. The Java builder compiles the Java source files into the output folder and also copies the resources into it.

what mvn eclipse:eclipse does
Sometimes the dependencies don’t update even with Maven->Update Project->Force Update option checked using m2eclipse plugin.

mvn eclipse:eclipse

This will update your .classpath file with the new dependencies while preserving your .project settings and other eclipse config files.

If you want to clear your old settings use

mvn eclipse:clean
mvn eclipse:eclipse

mvn eclipse:clean will erase your old settings, then mvn eclipse:eclipse will create new .project, .classpath and other eclipse config files

What is Maven artifact?
An artifact is a file, usually a JAR, that gets deployed to a Maven repository.