Testing Output using assertEquals

public class Scenario
  public int Square(int no)
    return no*no;


public class SquareTest 
  public void test() 
    int SquareNo = new Test1().Square(5);		
    assertEquals(25, SquareNo);

Scenario2.java(word Counter)

public class Scenario2 
 public int repeatedWords(String pWord)
   int count = 0;
   for (int j = 0; j < pWord.length(); j++) 
     if(pWord.charAt(j) == 'a')
    return count;


public class RepeatTest {
   public void test() {
     Scenario2 objScenario2 = new Scenario2();		
     assertEquals(objScenario2.repeatedWords("alphabet"), 2);		

Test suite is used to bundle a few unit test cases and run them together. In JUnit, both @RunWith and @SuiteClasses annotations are used to run the suite tests.

AllTests.java (TestSuite)

@SuiteClasses({ RepeatTest.class, SquareTest.class })
public class AllTests {


Now Lets take a Real Life Scenario of Bank Account

public class Account 
	public int Balance;
	public Account()
		Balance = 0;
	public int getAccBalance()
		return Balance;
	public void getCash(int pCash)
		Balance = Balance - pCash;
	public void putCash(int pCash)
		Balance = Balance + pCash;


public class BankTest 
	Account objAcc = new Account();
	public void checkAccBalanceTest()
		assertEquals(objAcc.getAccBalance(), 0);
	public void checkBalAfterDepositTest()
		assertEquals(objAcc.getAccBalance(), 50);
	public void checkBalAfterWithdrawTest()
		assertEquals(objAcc.getAccBalance(), 20);

Points to Note

  1. The methods in BankTest ends with Test Suffix.This ensures the test cases are executed in order.
  2. The Account.java and BankTest.java are two different projects.In BankTest project the other project is added in Java Build Path

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