- @BeforeAll, @AfterAll – Runs Before and After Class and should be static
- @DisplayName – Displays description about the Test Method
- @Disabled – @Ignore in Junit 4. Disables the Test Method
- @Nested – Helps in grouping of similar test methods together
- @ParameterizedTest – Supplying more than one input for same method in row using array
- @ValueSource – Provides multiple paramters to same test method for ParameterizedTest
- @CsvSource – Provides multiple paramters to same test method for ParameterizedTest in Key Value Pair. Key is Input and Value is expected Output
import java.io.IOException; public class AccountUtils { public boolean validateAccountId(String acctNo) throws IOException { if (getAccountIDLength(acctNo)) { return true; } else { throw new IOException("Account ID is Invalid"); } } public boolean getAccountIDLength(String acctNo) { if(acctNo.length() < 5) return false; if(acctNo.length() > 10) return false; if(!acctNo.contains("-")) return false; return true; } public String getFormattedAccID(String accountNo){ return accountNo.toUpperCase(); } public String[] getBankDetails(String accountNo){ String[] arrAccountDetails = accountNo.split("-"); return arrAccountDetails; } }
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource; import java.io.IOException; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.fail; public class AccountUtilsTest { AccountUtils systemUnderTest = new AccountUtils(); @BeforeAll static void init(){ System.out.println("Initilize connection to Database"); } @AfterAll static void destroy(){ System.out.println("Deallocate connection to Database"); } @Test @DisplayName("AccountID Length Validation Success") void test_getAccountIDLength_Success(){ boolean expectedOutput = true; boolean actualOutput = systemUnderTest.getAccountIDLength("SBI-104526"); Assertions.assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput); Assertions.assertTrue(actualOutput); } @Test @Disabled void test_validateAccountId_Success() throws IOException { Assertions.assertTrue(systemUnderTest.validateAccountId("SBI-104526")); } @Test @DisplayName("AccountID is Invalid ") void test_validateAccountId_Exception(){ Assertions.assertThrows(IOException.class, ()->{ systemUnderTest.validateAccountId(""); }); } @Test @DisplayName("Account Bank Details Validation") void test_AccountIDForBankName_Success(){ String[] expectedOutput = new String[]{"SBI", "104526"}; String[] actualOutput = systemUnderTest.getBankDetails("SBI-104526"); Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput); } @Nested class checkValidAccountId { @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings={"SBI", "SBI-123456789", " ", ""}) @DisplayName("Parameterized Test AccountID Length Validation Failiure") void test_getAccountIDLength_Failiure(String accountId){ Assertions.assertFalse(systemUnderTest.getAccountIDLength(accountId)); } @ParameterizedTest(name="AccountID {0} formatted to {1}") @CsvSource(value={"sbi-123456, SBI-123456", "cbi-123456, CBI-123456"}) @DisplayName("AccountID Format Validation") void getFormattedAccID_Success(String inputString, String expectedOutput){ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedOutput, systemUnderTest.getFormattedAccID(inputString)); } } }