$start = Array(25000, 30000, 40000, 15900, 46000); $end = Array(45000, 47000, 60000, 55000, 85000); $cnt2 = 0; foreach($start as $val) { $cnt = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($start); $i++) { if($start[$i] <= $val && $val < $end[$i]) $cnt++; if($cnt == count($start)) $start_budget = $val; elseif($cnt >$cnt2) { $cnt2 = $cnt; $start_budget = $val; } } if($cnt2 == 0) $cnt2 = $cnt; } $cnt2 = 0; foreach($end as $val) { $cnt = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($end); $i++) { if($start[$i] < $val && $val <= $end[$i]) $cnt++; if($cnt == count($end)) $end_budget = $val; elseif($cnt > $cnt2) { $cnt2 = $cnt; $end_budget = $val; } if($cnt2 == 0) $cnt2 = $cnt; } } echo $start_budget; echo "<br/>"; echo $end_budget;
Category Archives: PHP
I have a Two PHP arrays as Below
Array 1 – Budget Start
$start = Array(25000,30000,35000,15900);
Array 2 – Budget End
$end = Array(40000,50000,60000,55000);
I want to Filter the Budget range which the user is actually looking for.For the above the budget range is 35000 For Budget Start and 40000 for Budget End.
Budget Start 35000 because
25000 <= 35000 < 40000
30000 <= 35000 < 50000
35000 <= 35000 < 60000
15900 <= 35000 < 55000
Budget End 40000 because
25000 < 40000 <= 40000
30000 < 40000 <= 50000
35000 < 40000 <= 60000
15900 < 40000 <= 55000
$start = Array(25000,30000,35000,15900); $end = Array(40000,50000,60000,55000); foreach($start as $val){ $cnt = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($start); $i++){ if($start[$i] <= $val && $val < $end[$i]){ $cnt++; } if($cnt == count($start)){ $start_budget = $val; } } } foreach($end as $val){ $cnt = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($end); $i++){ if($start[$i] < $val && $val <= $end[$i]){ $cnt++; } if($cnt == count($end)){ $end_budget = $val; } } } echo $start_budget; echo " "; echo $end_budget;
how to sort array by inner array php
$arrSam1[0] = array("a", array("2")); $arrSam1[1] = array("b", array("1","2", "3", "4")); $arrSam1[2] = array("c", array("1","2", "3")); $arrSam = usort($arrSam1, 'cmp'); function cmp($a, $b) { return count($a[1]) > count($b[1]) ? -1 : 1; }
seo friendly url in php
function seo($input) { //remove single quote and dash $input = str_replace(array("'", "-"), "", $input); //convert to lowercase $input = mb_convert_case($input, MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8"); //replace everything non an with dashes $input = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9]+#", "-", $input); //replace multiple dashes with one $input = preg_replace("#(-){2,}#", "$1", $input); //trim dashes from beginning and end of string if any $input = trim($input, "-"); //voila return $input; }
echo seo(“Tom’s Fish & Chips”); //toms-fish-chips
echo seo(“1-2-3 Pizza”); //123-pizza
PHP Number to Words Rupee
//taking number as parameter function convert_digit_to_words($no) { //creating array of word for each digit $words = array('0'=> 'Zero' ,'1'=> 'one' ,'2'=> 'two' ,'3' => 'three','4' => 'four','5' => 'five','6' => 'six','7' => 'seven','8' => 'eight','9' => 'nine','10' => 'ten','11' => 'eleven','12' => 'twelve','13' => 'thirteen','14' => 'fourteen','15' => 'fifteen','16' => 'sixteen','17' => 'seventeen','18' => 'eighteen','19' => 'nineteen','20' => 'twenty','30' => 'thirty','40' => 'forty','50' => 'fifty','60' => 'sixty','70' => 'seventy','80' => 'eighty','90' => 'ninty','100' => 'hundred','1000' => 'thousand','100000' => 'lac','10000000' => 'crore'); //$words = array('0'=> '0' ,'1'=> '1' ,'2'=> '2' ,'3' => '3','4' => '4','5' => '5','6' => '6','7' => '7','8' => '8','9' => '9','10' => '10','11' => '11','12' => '12','13' => '13','14' => '14','15' => '15','16' => '16','17' => '17','18' => '18','19' => '19','20' => '20','30' => '30','40' => '40','50' => '50','60' => '60','70' => '70','80' => '80','90' => '90','100' => '100','1000' => '1000','100000' => '100000','10000000' => '10000000'); //for decimal number taking decimal part $cash=(int)$no; //take number wihout decimal $decpart = $no - $cash; //get decimal part of number $decpart=sprintf("%01.2f",$decpart); //take only two digit after decimal $decpart1=substr($decpart,2,1); //take first digit after decimal $decpart2=substr($decpart,3,1); //take second digit after decimal $decimalstr=''; //if given no. is decimal than preparing string for decimal digit's word if($decpart>0) { $decimalstr.="point ".$numbers[$decpart1]." ".$numbers[$decpart2]; } if($no == 0) return ' '; else { $novalue=''; $highno=$no; $remainno=0; $value=100; $value1=1000; while($no>=100) { if(($value <= $no) &&($no < $value1)) { $novalue=$words["$value"]; $highno = (int)($no/$value); $remainno = $no % $value; break; } $value= $value1; $value1 = $value * 100; } if(array_key_exists("$highno",$words)) //check if $high value is in $words array return $words["$highno"]." ".$novalue." ".convert_digit_to_words($remainno).$decimalstr; //recursion else { $unit=$highno%10; $ten =(int)($highno/10)*10; return $words["$ten"]." ".$words["$unit"]." ".$novalue." ".convert_digit_to_words($remainno ).$decimalstr; //recursion } } }
Retreive records from Procedure which returns different Resultsets
$objConn = setDbConn(); $strSQL = "CALL mp_proc_getHomePageProjNews('Chennai')"; if($objConn->multi_query($strSQL)) { do { $l = 0; /* store first result set */ if ($result = $objConn->use_result()) { while($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $arrTempResult[] = $row; } $arrResult[] = $arrTempResult; unset($arrTempResult); $result->close(); } if($objConn->more_results()) { } } while ($objConn->next_result()); }
How to add Compression to php file using Gzip
There are two ways of adding compression to php file
Method 1
Simple add the below line in the php file at the beginning
ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' );
Getting Records from Multiple Result sets in PHP
Table Structure
CREATE TABLE Areas(AreaName VARCHAR(255), PinCode VARCHAR(255)) INSERT INTO Areas(AreaName, PinCode) VALUES('Teynampet', '6000018'), ('Ramapuram', '6000089'), ('TNagar', '6000017'), ('Mylapore', '6000014'), ('Gopalapuram', '6000087')
Procedure which returns multiple result sets
Procedure Call
CALL mp_test1()
PHP Code To retrieve Records from Multiple Resultsets
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'test','3306'); $query = "CALL mp_test1()"; $i = 0; if ($mysqli->multi_query($query)) { do { /* store first result set */ if ($result = $mysqli->use_result()) { $j = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $arrResult[$i][$j] = $row[0]; $j++; } $result->close(); } if($mysqli->more_results()) { $i = $i + 1; } } while ($mysqli->next_result()); } print ""; print_r($arrResult);
Unary Operator in PHP
How to use Urnary operator in PHP
$ConfirmStatus = $lngConfirmSiteVisit == 1?1:0; $ConfirmStatus = $lngConfirmSiteVisit == 1?'Confirmed':'Pending';
Working With Arrays
How to Convert an Multidimensional Array to One Dimensional Array
//First Method with No Argument
$this->RestructArray($arrTempCounts) //Second Method with Column Name as Argument $this->RestructArray($arrTemp, 'UserNums'); function RestructArray($parrInput, $pArg1 = 0) { $arrTemp = $parrInput; for($i=0;$i<count($parrInput);$i++) { $arrNames[$i] = $parrInput[$i][$pArg1]; } return $arrNames; }
How to Convert an One Dimensional Array to Multidimensional Array
$k = 0; for($j=0;$j<$lngCols;$j++) { for($i=0;$i<$lngRows-1;$i++) { $arrTemp[$j][$i] = $arrIndividualCounts[$k]; $k = $k+1; } }