load-on-startup is a tag element which appear inside servlet tag in web.xml.load-on-startup tells the web container about loading of a particular servlet. if you don’t specify load-on-startup then container will load a particular servlet when it feels necessary most likely when first request for that servlet will come, this may lead to longer response time for that query if Servlet is making database connection which contribute network latency or time consuming job.


Points to remember

  • If load-on-startup value is same for two servlet than they will be loaded in an order on which they are declared inside web.xml file.
  • If load-on-startup is 0 or negative integer than Servlet will be loaded when Container feels to load them.
  • load-on-startup guarantees loading, initialization and call to init() method of servlet by web container.
  • If there is no load-on-startup element for any servlet than they will be loaded when web container decides to load them.

Lower the value of load-on-startup, servlet will be loaded first.

Use during Connection pool, downloading files or data from network or prepare environment ready for servicing client in terms of initializing cache, clearing pipelines and loading important data in memory

Add the JSTL Library as below

<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %>

Populating a Text Box

  <input name="txtUserName" id="txtUserName" type="text" value='<c:out value="${User.userName}"></c:out>'>

Populating a Dropdown List
Type 1

 <select name="cboAge" id="cboAge">
  <c:forEach begin="20" end="60" var="i">
    <option value="${i}" <c:if test="${i == User.age}">Selected</c:if>>${i}</option>    			

Type 2

 <select name="cboLocation" id="cboLocation">
   <option value="Chennai">Chennai</option>
   <option value="Bangalore">Bangalore</option>
   <option value="Mumbai">Mumbai</option>

Javascript Code

  $('#cboLocation').val('<c:out value="${User.location}"></c:out>');

Populating Radio buttons

<input name="rdoGender" type="radio" id="rdoMale" value="1" <c:out value="${User.gender == 1?'checked':''}"></c:out>><label for="rdoMale">Male</label>
<input name="rdoGender" type="radio" id="rdoFemale" value="0" <c:out value="${User.gender == 0?'checked':''}"></c:out>><label for="rdoFemale">Female</label>

Populating Check boxes

 <input name="chkSkills" type="checkbox" id="chkJava" value="Java" <c:if test="${fn:contains(User.skills, 'Java')}">Checked</c:if>><label for="chkJava">Java</label>    	
Posted in JSP.

Filters are helpful in performing filter functionality in Java web application Application. A filter implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface. The primary filter functionality is implemented by the doFilter() method of the filter.

A filter is used to perform a particular task either before or after the actual functionality of a web application is performed. For example, if a request is made for a particular resource such as a Servlet in web application and a filter is used, the filter code may execute and then pass the user on to the Servlet. The filter may run a check before letting the user to the actual page.The filter checks the user permissions to access a particular servlet, and it might send the user to an error page rather than to the requested resource.

Below is a code which shows the filter in web.xml file



Filter code is java is as below

public class TestFilter implements Filter 
  public void init(FilterConfig fConfig) throws ServletException 
     System.out.println("Filter Initialized");
  public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException 
     PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
     out.print("Filter Executed");		
     chain.doFilter(request, response);

  public void destroy() 
    System.out.println("Filter Destroyed");

The init() method will be executed every time the server starts.The doFilter method is executed every time a Servlet or JSP page is accessed in the context.Filter destroy() method is called when the server is stopped.

context – circumstances that form the setting for an event.For our scenario context represents virtual host within which our web application runs.The environment where the WAR file is deployed.

Below is an Example of File which stores variable in context.xml and is available for the whole application.The context.xml file contains the default Context element used for all web applications in the system.


     <Parameter name="companyName" value="My Company, Incorporated"/>

The same thing can be defined in the web.xml file as below

     <param-value>My Company, Incorporated</param-value>

To access the context variable in Servlet you can use the following code in doGet() Method as below

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
  ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();		  
  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

Case1: The context variable in web.xml will have highest priority than context.xml in server and application if override attribute is set to true or if it is undefined.

Case2: Defining a context variable in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml and context.xml file inside your application the former will have more privilege.

Declaring context attributes in web.xml is better since they will work when you deploy your app in other App Servers other than Tomcat.

What is Context Path
A web applications context path is the directory that contains the web applications WEB-INF directory.It points to WebContent directory in your project.

Server context path is the one which tells the location where the WebContent directory is placed during project deployment in server.The following code tells you how to find server context path.


protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
   ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();		
   String contextPath = servletContext.getRealPath(File.separator);
   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
   out.println("<br/>Context path: " + contextPath);

The above code outputs some directory within tomcat folder like one below

Context path:  D:\Tomcat\wtpwebapps\CustomTag\ 

In my case D:\Tomcat\ is where my tomcat is installed and wtpwebapps\ is the context where my project
\CustomTag\ is deployed

This is the File which defines the Property of the Tag

package com.mugil.custTags;

import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;

public class CustomTags extends TagSupport  
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  public int doStartTag() throws JspException 
     StringBuffer SamBuffer = new StringBuffer();
     SamBuffer.append("Sample Message");
     catch (IOException e)
  	return EVAL_PAGE;
   public int doEndTag() throws JspException 
      return EVAL_PAGE;

This xml file creates the Relation between the tag and the property of the tag as defined in the java file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <shortname>Example TLD</shortname>

JSP File in which the custom tag is Used.

<%@taglib prefix="DisplayName" uri="/WEB-INF/tld/DisplayName.tld"%>


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <web-app version="3.0">




   <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="100">
     <c:out value="${i}"/><br/>

Accessing Value in Bean

  public class SampleMenu
    String name;
    public String getName()
      return name;
    public void setName(String name)
      this.name = name;


   List<SampleMenu> arrMenuList = new ArrayList<SampleMenu>();		
   SampleMenu objSampleMenu     = new SampleMenu();




   request.setAttribute("arrMenuList", arrMenuList);
   RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/Sample.jsp");
   dispatcher.forward(request, response);


     <c:forEach	var="i" items="${arrMenuList}">
	     <c:out value="${i.name}"/>

Link1 Link2 Link3

If Else

<c:if test="${user.userGender eq 1}">Male</c:if>
<c:if test="${user.userGender eq 0}">Female</c:if>


    <c:when test="${user.userGender eq 1}">Male</c:when>

Alternative to If Else Statement

 <c:out value="${user.userGender eq 1 ? 'Male': 'Female'}"/>

If Else If

    <c:when test="${empty example1}"> 
        <!-- do stuff -->
            <c:when test="${empty example2}"> 
                <!-- do different stuff -->
                <!-- do default stuff -->

If Else If

    <c:when test="${empty example1}">
    <c:when test="${empty example2}">

Passing a Variable from Java to JSP Page By SetAttribute


protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException 
  request.setAttribute("Name", "Mugil Vannan");
  RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/Sample.jsp");
  dispatcher.forward(request, response);


    <c:out value="${Name}"/>



How to remove last element in a array and store it in same Array

import java.util.Arrays;

public class SimpleArray 
  public static void main(String[] args) 
    String[] arrNames1 = {"Mugil", "Mani", "Vinu", "Shivaji", "Raman"};
    String[] arrNames2 = new String[arrNames1.length-1]; 
    for(int i=0;i<arrNames1.length-1;i++)
      arrNames2[i] = arrNames1[i];
    arrNames1 = arrNames2.clone();
    for (int i = 0; i < arrNames1.length; i++) 

MySQL TIMEDIFF function runs well in MySQL but with JDBC it generate SQL Exception.
The problem is that the TIMEDIFF(expr1,expr2) function returns expr1 – expr2 expressed as a time value.

This value is handled by java.sql.Time. But TIMEDIFF( , ) may return (for example) 12:45:00 or 40:30:01 as the case may be. For first value it works but for the second value it is not a proper time value according to java.sql.Time, hence the exception.

To get rid of this problem is to use concat as follows


Now the returned value will be a String instead of a Time and which prevents JDBC from parsing it.