Category Archives: SQL
SQL Queries for Interview
What is the simplest SQL Query to find the second largest value?
SELECT MAX(col) FROM table WHERE col < (SELECT MAX(col) FROM table)
SELECT MAX(col) FROM table WHERE col NOT IN (SELECT MAX(col) FROM table);
What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL
UNION removes duplicate records (where all columns in the results are the same), UNION ALL does not.
There is a performance hit when using UNION vs UNION ALL, since the database server must do additional work to remove the duplicate rows, but usually you do not want the duplicates (especially when developing reports).
UNION Example:
SELECT 'foo' AS bar UNION ALL SELECT 'foo' AS bar
+-----+ | bar | +-----+ | foo | +-----+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
UNION ALL example:
SELECT 'foo' AS bar UNION ALL SELECT 'foo' AS bar
+-----+ | bar | +-----+ | foo | | foo | +-----+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Query for website site counter based on month
CREATE TABLE ipaddress(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, date VARCHAR(255), ip VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO ipaddress(date, ip) VALUES('1-1-2012', ''), ('1-1-2012', ''), ('12-2-2012', '');
Total number of Visits should be grouped based on IP Address
SELECT COUNT(ip), MONTHNAME(STR_TO_DATE(date, '%c-%e-%Y')) as period FROM ipaddress GROUP BY period;
The first Location from second table should be added to the first table Location.
CREATE TABLE projectlist(ProjectId INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, ProjectName VARCHAR(50), Location VARCHAR(50)); CREATE TABLE LocationList(LocaId INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, ProjectId INT, Location VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO projectlist(ProjectName) VALUES('Project A'), ('Project B'), ('Project C'), ('Project D'), ('Project E'), ('Project F'), ('Project G'), ('Project H'); INSERT INTO LocationList(ProjectId, Location) VALUES(1, 'Location A'), (1, 'Location C'), (3, 'Location B'), (4, 'Location C'), (5, 'Location D'), (2, 'Location C'), (2, 'Location B'), (2, 'Location A'), (6, 'Location A'), (6, 'Location B'), (7, 'Location B'), (8, 'Location D'), (8, 'Location A');
UPDATE projectlist JOIN (SELECT LocationList.ProjectID, LocationList.Location FROM LocationList JOIN (SELECT LocationList.ProjectID, min(LocaId) minLocaId FROM LocationList GROUP BY LocationList.ProjectID) l1 ON LocationList.LocaId = l1.minLocaID) l2 ON projectList.ProjectID = l2.ProjectID SET ProjectList.Location = l2.Location;
Group By, Order By, Limit Which Comes First
FROM tableName WHERE more filters on the rows GROUP BY combines those rows into groups HAVING filters groups ORDER BY arranges the remaining rows/groups;
Alternate to Inner Join which prevents repetation of Records
create table fruits(fruit_id int, fruit_name VARCHAR(255)); create table type(fruit_id int, status VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO fruits(fruit_id, fruit_name) values(101, 'Apple'), (102, 'Mango'), (103, 'Lemon'), (104, 'Grape'), (105, 'Orange'); INSERT INTO type(fruit_id, status) values(101, 'Edible'), (101, 'Sweet'), (102, 'Edible'), (103, 'Edible'), (103, 'Salty'), (103, 'Sour'), (104, 'Sour');
When i Use Inner Join as Below the Output would be
To prevent the repetition of fruit name the queries are as follows
SELECT f.fruit_id, f.fruit_name FROM fruits f WHERE f.fruit_id in(SELECT DISTINCT fruit_id FROM type); SELECT DISTINCT t.Fruit_id, fruit_name FROM fruits f RIGHT OUTER JOIN type t ON F.Fruit_id = t.Fruit_id; SELECT fruits.* FROM fruits inner join type on type.fruit_id = fruits.fruit_id GROUP BY type.fruit_id;
Getting Rows from table whose status changes first time
Table Creation Script
The Rows in the table are as Below
INSERT INTO Customers(Cust_Name, Created_Date, Cust_Status) VALUES('Customer A', '20120516', 0), ('Customer B', '20120516', 0), ('Customer C', '20120516', 0), ('Customer A', '20120517', 1), ('Customer B', '20120517', 0), ('Customer C', '20120517', 0), ('Customer A', '20120520', 1), ('Customer B', '20120520', 0), ('Customer C', '20120520', 1), ('Customer A', '20120521', 0), ('Customer B', '20120521', 0), ('Customer C', '20120521', 1), ('Customer A', '20120526', 1), ('Customer B', '20120526', 1), ('Customer C', '20120526', 0), ('Customer A', '20120530', 1), ('Customer B', '20120530', 1), ('Customer C', '20120530', 0);
I want to take the rows which changes their Cust_Status from 0 to 1 only for first time.
When I run the script by giving 20120517 as parameter to where clause it should return Customer A.
When I run the script by giving 20120520 as parameter to where clause it should return Customer C.
When I run the script by giving 20120526 as parameter to where clause it should return Customer B.
SELECT C.Cust_Name FROM Customers C WHERE C.Created_Date = '20120526' AND C.Cust_Status = 1 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT c2.Cust_Name FROM Customers c2 WHERE c2.Cust_Name = C.Cust_Name AND c2.Cust_Status = 1 AND c2.Created_Date < C.Created_Date)
Left Outer Join Query
Two tables
CREATE TABLE tblEatables ( `EatId` int UNSIGNED PRIMARY AUTO_INCREMENT, `Fruits` varchar(9) NOT NULL ) Engine=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE tblConfirm_Eatables ( Eatables_Id INT UNSIGNED, Edible_Status INT, FOREIGN KEY Eatables_Id REFERENCES tblEatables (EatId) ) Engine=InnoDB;
Rows in Tables
INSERT INTO tblEatables(`EatId`, `Fruits`) VALUES(1, 'Apples'), (2, 'Oranges'), (3, 'Papaya'), (4, 'Jackfruit'), (5, 'Pineapple'), (6, 'Mango'); INSERT INTO tblConfirm_Eatables VALUES(1,0), (2,1), (3,0), (4,0);
The Result Should be
Fruits Apple Papaya Jackfruit Pineapple Mango
SELECT Fruits FROM tblEatables AS E LEFT JOIN tblConfirm_Eatables AS CE ON E.EatID = CE.Eatables_ID WHERE CE.Edible_Status = 0 OR CE.Edible_Status IS NULL
Query 2
SELECT e.EatId,e.Fruits FROM @tblEatables e LEFT JOIN @tblConfirm_Eatables ce ON e.EatId = ce.Eatbles_Id WHERE ce.Edible_Status = 0 OR ce.Edible_Status IS Null
Query 3
SELECT fruits FROM tblEatables WHERE EatID NOT IN (SELECT Eatables_Id FROM tblConfirm_Eatables WHERE Edible_Status = 1)
Group By Status
I have Table with Columns Name, EmailId, Process, Status Like Below. Now what i would like to have is the emailId and Status of people whoes Status are closed for all the Process – Process1, process2, process 3
SELECT fruit_email_id FROM Fruits AS t GROUP BY fruit_email_id HAVING COUNT( CASE WHEN Status 'Closed' THEN 1 END) = 0;
SELECT t.fruit_email_id FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fruit_email_id FROM Fruits) AS t LEFT JOIN Fruits AS tt ON tt.fruit_email_id = t.fruit_email_id AND tt.Status 'Closed' WHERE tt.fruit_email_id IS NULL;