While storing the HTML code in oracle db the column type should be CLOB rather than BLOB. Incase if you have used BLOB for storing the HTML code while carrying out update you should first convert the content in to hexadecimal values as below.
The above code returns Hexadecimal value for test as below
Now if you want to update the Hexadecimal you need to do the same thing.
UPDATE TemplateTbl SET TemplateConetent = (RAWTOHEX (UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw ('Mugil Nikkhil'))) WHERE TemplateId = TL2600
The above code seems to be fine but it does not work as the would be interrupted as if a variable prompting you to enter the variable value.
To overcome this issue should be replace with & as below
UPDATE TemplateTbl SET TemplateConetent = (RAWTOHEX (UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw ('Mugil & Nikkhil'))) WHERE TemplateId = TL2600
Cheers. We are Done. :-).