//function for converting string into indian currency format function intToFormat(nStr) { nStr += ''; x = nStr.split('.'); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : ''; var rgx = /(d+)(d{3})/; var z = 0; var len = String(x1).length; var num = parseInt((len/2)-1); while (rgx.test(x1)) { if(z > 0) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } else { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); rgx = /(d+)(d{2})/; } z++; num--; if(num == 0) { break; } } return x1 + x2; }
Author Archives: admin
Mysql Procedure Eliminating Parameters from where clause
I have a real estate website where people can search property based on Location, Property Type and Builder.
I have a Table like below.
CREATE TABLE Project(ProjectId INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, Location VARCHAR(255), PropertyType VARCHAR(255), Builder VARCHAR(255), ProjectName VARCHAR(255), Status TINYINT) INSERT INTO Project(Location, PropertyType, Builder, ProjectName) VALUES('Location A', 'Flats', 'Builder A', 'Project A', 1), ('Location A', 'Villas', 'Builder B', 'Project B', 1), ('Location B', 'Flats', 'Builder A', 'Project C', 1), ('Location C', 'Villas', 'Builder C', 'Project D', 1), ('Location B', 'Plots', 'Builder B', 'Project E', 1), ('Location A', 'Row House', 'Builder C', 'Project F', 1), ('Location A', 'Plots', 'Builder A', 'Project G', 1), ('Location C', 'Plots', 'Builder C', 'Project H', 1), ('Location C', 'Flats', 'Builder B', 'Project I', 1), ('Location C', 'Villas', 'Builder B', 'Project J', 1), ('Location A', 'Villas', 'Builder A', 'Project K', 1), ('Location C', 'Flats', 'Builder B', 'Project L', 1);
The search procedure which I use is in such a way that It brings back search result as per the parameters they selected i.e Property Type, Location, Builder Name
Now there may be projects for some search parameters as below
Flats by Builder A at Location C
I want to change procedure in such a way the parameters in filters in where clause should change to bring result all the time by considering other possibilities like for the above
Flats by Builder A at Location C
There is no Flats by Builder A at Location C so it should display Flats at Location C by Other Builders
Location C Flats Builder B Project I
The Filter should Consider PropertyType, Location and Builder Name
Villas at Location B
There is No Villas at Location B So
Location A Villas Builder B Project B Location C Villas Builder B Project J Location A Villas Builder A Project K
The search should happen by
PropertyType -> Location -> Builder
If there is No project for a particular Builder in that Location then
PropertyType -> Location
If there is No project for a particular Location then
The parameters in the filters should be eliminated in such a way it brings similar result to search param.
PropertyType -> Location -> Builder No Records PropertyType -> Location No Records PropertyType Records Found
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS getProjectResult; CREATE PROCEDURE getProjectResult(IN PropertyType VARCHAR(255), IN Location VARCHAR(255), IN BuilderName VARCHAR(255)) BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tblTempProjIds; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tblTempProjIds(ProjId INT, Points INT); SET @PropertyTypePoints = 0; SET @LocationPoints = 0; SET @BuilderName = 0; IF PropertyType '' THEN SET @PropertyTypePoints = 5; END IF; IF Location '' THEN SET @LocationPoints = 3; END IF; IF BuilderName '' THEN SET @BuilderName = 1; END IF; SET @BestScore = @PropertyTypePoints + @LocationPoints + @BuilderName; SET @strSQL ='INSERT INTO tblTempProjIds(ProjId, Points) SELECT ProjectId, CASE WHEN PropertyType= ? then 5 else 0 end + CASE WHEN Location = ? then 3 else 0 end + CASE WHEN Builder = ? then 1 else 0 end as score FROM project ORDER BY score DESC'; SET @PropertyType = PropertyType; SET @Location = Location; SET @BuilderName = BuilderName; PREPARE stmt FROM @strSQL; EXECUTE stmt USING @PropertyType, @Location, @BuilderName; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; #SELECT * FROM tblTempProjIds; SET @strSQLCount ='SELECT @Num := MAX(Points) FROM tblTempProjIds'; PREPARE stmt FROM @strSQLCount; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; CASE @Num WHEN 9 THEN SET @Where = CONCAT(' AND PropertyType="', PropertyType, '" AND Location="', Location, '" AND Builder="', BuilderName, '"'); WHEN 8 THEN SET @Where = CONCAT(' AND PropertyType="', PropertyType, '" AND Location="', Location, '"'); WHEN 6 THEN SET @Where = CONCAT(' AND PropertyType="', PropertyType, '" AND Builder ="', BuilderName, '"'); WHEN 5 THEN SET @Where = CONCAT(' AND PropertyType="', PropertyType, '"'); WHEN 4 THEN SET @Where = CONCAT(' AND Location="', Location, '" AND Builder ="', BuilderName, '"'); WHEN 3 THEN SET @Where = CONCAT(' AND Location="', Location, '"'); WHEN 1 THEN SET @Where = CONCAT(' AND Builder="', BuilderName, '"'); WHEN 0 THEN SET @Where = ''; END CASE; SET @FinalSQL = CONCAT('SELECT * FROM project WHERE status = 1 ', @Where); PREPARE stmt FROM @FinalSQL; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END;
How to disable particular option in dropdown
$("#cboPropertyType option[value='Land']").attr("disabled", true);
$("#country option[value='United State']").attr("disabled", false);
Group By, Order By, Limit Which Comes First
FROM tableName WHERE more filters on the rows GROUP BY combines those rows into groups HAVING filters groups ORDER BY arranges the remaining rows/groups;
Jquery Checking Hidden or Visible Status
In jQuery, suppose you have an element of some kind that you’re hiding and showing, using .hide(), .show() or .toggle(). How do you test to see if that element is currently hidden or visible on the screen?
// Checks for display:[none|block], ignores visible:[true|false] $(element).is(":visible")
You can use the “hidden” and “visible” selectors.
$('element:hidden') $('element:visible')
How to make page scroll to top
Scroll till top position is 0
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 'slow');
Scroll till top position is 100
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:100}, 'slow');
Scroll takes 2 seconds to complete
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:100}, 2000);
How to Style Pagination Jquery Javascript
<div class="pagination"> <span class="prev"></span> <span class="num" id="1">1</span> <span class="num_active" id="2">2</span> <span class="num" id="3">3</span> <span class="num" id="4">4</span> <span class="num" id="5">5</span> <span class="num" id="6">6</span> <span class="next"></span> </div>
$('.pagination span').click(function(){ $(".pagination span").removeClass("num_active").addClass("num"); $(".pagination span:first").removeClass("num").addClass('prev'); $(".pagination span:last").removeClass("num").addClass('next'); $(this).addClass("num_active"); });
PHP Number to Words Rupee
//taking number as parameter function convert_digit_to_words($no) { //creating array of word for each digit $words = array('0'=> 'Zero' ,'1'=> 'one' ,'2'=> 'two' ,'3' => 'three','4' => 'four','5' => 'five','6' => 'six','7' => 'seven','8' => 'eight','9' => 'nine','10' => 'ten','11' => 'eleven','12' => 'twelve','13' => 'thirteen','14' => 'fourteen','15' => 'fifteen','16' => 'sixteen','17' => 'seventeen','18' => 'eighteen','19' => 'nineteen','20' => 'twenty','30' => 'thirty','40' => 'forty','50' => 'fifty','60' => 'sixty','70' => 'seventy','80' => 'eighty','90' => 'ninty','100' => 'hundred','1000' => 'thousand','100000' => 'lac','10000000' => 'crore'); //$words = array('0'=> '0' ,'1'=> '1' ,'2'=> '2' ,'3' => '3','4' => '4','5' => '5','6' => '6','7' => '7','8' => '8','9' => '9','10' => '10','11' => '11','12' => '12','13' => '13','14' => '14','15' => '15','16' => '16','17' => '17','18' => '18','19' => '19','20' => '20','30' => '30','40' => '40','50' => '50','60' => '60','70' => '70','80' => '80','90' => '90','100' => '100','1000' => '1000','100000' => '100000','10000000' => '10000000'); //for decimal number taking decimal part $cash=(int)$no; //take number wihout decimal $decpart = $no - $cash; //get decimal part of number $decpart=sprintf("%01.2f",$decpart); //take only two digit after decimal $decpart1=substr($decpart,2,1); //take first digit after decimal $decpart2=substr($decpart,3,1); //take second digit after decimal $decimalstr=''; //if given no. is decimal than preparing string for decimal digit's word if($decpart>0) { $decimalstr.="point ".$numbers[$decpart1]." ".$numbers[$decpart2]; } if($no == 0) return ' '; else { $novalue=''; $highno=$no; $remainno=0; $value=100; $value1=1000; while($no>=100) { if(($value <= $no) &&($no < $value1)) { $novalue=$words["$value"]; $highno = (int)($no/$value); $remainno = $no % $value; break; } $value= $value1; $value1 = $value * 100; } if(array_key_exists("$highno",$words)) //check if $high value is in $words array return $words["$highno"]." ".$novalue." ".convert_digit_to_words($remainno).$decimalstr; //recursion else { $unit=$highno%10; $ten =(int)($highno/10)*10; return $words["$ten"]." ".$words["$unit"]." ".$novalue." ".convert_digit_to_words($remainno ).$decimalstr; //recursion } } }
Number to Word Conversion PHP
function no_to_words($no) { $words = array('0'=> '' ,'1'=> 'one' ,'2'=> 'two' ,'3' => 'three','4' => 'four','5' => 'five','6' => 'six','7' => 'seven','8' => 'eight','9' => 'nine','10' => 'ten','11' => 'eleven','12' => 'twelve','13' => 'thirteen','14' => 'fouteen','15' => 'fifteen','16' => 'sixteen','17' => 'seventeen','18' => 'eighteen','19' => 'nineteen','20' => 'twenty','30' => 'thirty','40' => 'fourty','50' => 'fifty','60' => 'sixty','70' => 'seventy','80' => 'eighty','90' => 'ninty','100' => 'hundred &','1000' => 'thousand','100000' => 'lakh','10000000' => 'crore'); if($no == 0) return ' '; else { $novalue=''; $highno=$no; $remainno=0; $value=100; $value1=1000; while($no>=100) { if(($value <= $no) &&($no < $value1)) { $novalue=$words["$value"]; $highno = (int)($no/$value); $remainno = $no % $value; break; } $value= $value1; $value1 = $value * 100; } if(array_key_exists("$highno",$words)) return $words["$highno"]." ".$novalue." ".no_to_words($remainno); else { $unit=$highno%10; $ten =(int)($highno/10)*10; return $words["$ten"]." ".$words["$unit"]." ".$novalue." ".no_to_words($remainno); } } } echo no_to_words(12345401);
Counting Array Arguments
package com.apryll.package2; public class sample2 { public static void main(String args[]) { sample2 objsample2 = new sample2(); objsample2.argCount(1, 2, 3, 4); } public void argCount(int num1, int num2, int... args) { System.out.println(num1); System.out.println(num2); System.out.println(args.length); } }
Please Note the Last 2 which accounts for the array argument args as num1 and num2 does not account for array arguments
If the Code is like below then it would have been a error
public void argCount(int num1, int num2, int... args)