You can create autoincrement column in oracle in two ways.
Method 1 : Using sequence
Table Creation Query
CREATE TABLE tblusers(UserId INT, UserName VARCHAR(50));
Sequence Creation Query
CREATE SEQUENCE tblusers_userid_seq MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 CACHE 20;
The above code creates a sequence for table tblusers with name tblusers_userid_seq with start value of 1 and limit 999999999999999999999999999.
Insertion Query
INSERT INTO tblusers(UserId, UserName) VALUES (tblusers_userid_seq.nextVal, 'John')
Method 2 : Using Trigger
In Method 2 we can use triggers to carry out auto increment when rows are added to the table.
Before creating trigger you should make the auto increment column as primary key.For that the code is as below
The Creation of sequence and trigger is as follows
CREATE SEQUENCE tblusers_userid_seq; CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tblusers_userid_trigg BEFORE INSERT ON tblusers FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT tblusers_userid_seq.NEXTVAL INTO :new.UserId FROM dual; END;
Now during insertion there is no need to worry about the auto increment column and the insert query no need to contain the Id column as below
INSERT INTO tblusers(UserName) VALUES ('John')