Spring Version 4

  1. Spring Framework 4.0 provides support for several Java 8 features
  2. Java EE version 6 or above with the JPA 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 specifications
  3. Groovy Bean Definition DSL- external bean configuration using a Groovy DSL
  4. Core Container Improvements
    1. The @Lazy annotation can now be used on injection points, as well as on @Bean definitions.
    2. The @Description annotation has been introduced for developers using Java-based configuration
    3. Using generics as autowiring qualifiers
    4. Beans can now be ordered when they are autowired into lists and arrays. Both the @Order annotation and Ordered interface are supported.
    5. A generalized model for conditionally filtering beans has been added via the @Conditional annotation

Spring Version 5

  1. Functional programming with Kotlin
  2. Reactive Programming Model.The Reactive Streams API is officially part of Java 9. In Java 8, you will need to include a dependency for the Reactive Streams API specification.
  3. @Nullable and @NotNull annotations will explicitly mark nullable arguments and return values. This enables dealing null values at compile time rather than throwing NullPointerExceptions at runtime.
  4. Spring Framework 5.0 now supports candidate component index as an alternative to classpath scanning..Reading entities from the index rather than scanning the classpath.Loading the component index is cheap. Therefore the startup time with the index remains constant as the number of classes increase. While for a compoent scan the startup time increases significantly.
  5. requires Java 8 as a minimum JDK version.Spring 5 is fully compatible with Java 9.
  6. Servlet 3.1,JMS 2.0,JPA 2.1,Hibernate5,JAX-RS 2.0,Bean Validation 1.1,JUnit 5

Java 7 Features:

  1. Usage of Strings in Switch Statement
  2. Diamond Operator – the diamond operator allows you to write more compact (and readable) code by saving repeated type arguments
  3. Try with Resources
  4. Multiple Exception Handling
  5. Suppressed Exceptions
  6. Allows Binay Literals – Binary Literal are expressing Integer Values in terms of Binary Value by adding the prefix 0b or 0B to the integral value.For more on BinayLiteral click here

Java 8 Features:

  1. Lambda Expressions
  2. Java Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections.
  3. Static and Default method in Functional Interfaces
  4. forEach() method in Iterable interface
  5. Functional Interfaces
  6. Collection API improvements

Java 9 Features:

  1. Factory Methods for Immutable List, Set, Map and Map.Entry
  2. Private methods in Interfaces
  3. Reactive Streams
  4. JShell: the interactive Java REPL

Java 10 Features:

  1. Local-Variable Type Inference
  2. Application Class-Data Sharing
  3. default set of root Certification Authority (CA) certificates in the JDK
  4. Garbage Collector Interface

Java 11 Features:

  1. Java 11 JDK is not free for usage on commercial purpose
  2. No need to compile.typing >>Java in command prompt will compile and run java
  3. Remove the Java EE and CORBA Modules –
  4. Java String Methods – isBlank(), lines(), strip(), stripLeading(), stripTrailing()

Java 17 Features:

  1. LTS support and licenses Java 17 LTS is the latest long-term support release for the Java SE platform
  2. Pattern matching for the switch case
  3. Sealed classes and interfaces. Sealed classes and interfaces restrict which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them.
    sealed class Human permits Manish, Vartika, Anjali 
        public void printName() 
    non-sealed class Manish extends Human 
        public void printName() 
            System.out.println("Manish Sharma"); 