An obsolete reference is one that is kept around but will never be used, preventing the object it refers to from being eligible for garbage collection, thus causing a memory leak.

Manually Setting to NULL
Nulling out a reference to remove obsolete references to an object is good, but one must not overdo it. The best way to eliminate an obsolete reference is to reuse the variable in which it was contained or to let it fall out of scope.

Lets take a Simple Stack implementation as in effective Java

public Object pop() {
    if (size == 0)
        throw new EmptyStackException();
    Object result = elements[--size];
    elements[size] = null; // Eliminate obsolete reference
    return result;

In the above code you can see that the stack size is shrinked when ever a pop operation is carried out and is set to null allowing the garbage collector to access the unused space to reclaim

Using WeakHashMap
WeakHashMap is an implementation of the Map interface. WeakHashMap is almost same as HashMap except in case of WeakHashMap, if object is specified as key doesn’t contain any references- it is eligible for garbage collection even though it is associated with WeakHashMap. i.e Garbage Collector dominates over WeakHashMap.

How HashMap Works

// Java program to illustrate 
// Hashmap 
import java.util.*;
class HashMapDemo
    public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
        HashMap m = new HashMap();
        Demo d = new Demo();
        // puts an entry into HashMap
        m.put(d," Hi "); 
        d = null;
        // garbage collector is called
        //thread sleeps for 4 sec
    class Demo
        public String toString()
            return "demo";
        // finalize method
        public void finalize()
            System.out.println("Finalize method is called");



How WeakHashMap Works

// Java program to illustrate 
// WeakHashmap 
import java.util.*;
class WeakHashMapDemo
    public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
        WeakHashMap m = new WeakHashMap();
        Demo d = new Demo();
        // puts an entry into WeakHashMap
        m.put(d," Hi "); 
        d = null;
        // garbage collector is called
        // thread sleeps for 4 sec
        Thread.sleep(4000); .
class Demo
    public String toString()
        return "demo";
    // finalize method
    public void finalize()
        System.out.println("finalize method is called");


{demo = Hi}
finalize method is called
{ }

When Memory Leaks happen in Java

Objects inaccessible by running code but still stored in memory

Class allocates a large chunk of memory (e.g. new byte[1000000]), stores a strong reference to it in a static field, and then stores a reference to itself in a ThreadLocal. Allocating the extra memory is optional (leaking the Class instance is enough), but it will make the leak work that much faster.

Static field holding object reference

class MemorableClass 
    static final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(100);

Calling String.intern() on lengthy String

String str=readString(); // read lengthy string any source db,textbox/jsp etc..
// This will place the string in memory pool from which you can't remove

Unclosed open streams ( file , network etc… )

try {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
} catch (Exception e) {

Unclosed connections

try {
    Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {

The thread clears all references to the custom class or the ClassLoader it was loaded from.

There could not be any class which conform to both Same type comparison and Mixed type comparison

Same-Type Comparison
With such an implementation of equals() you can store an Employee(“Hanni Hanuta”) and a Student(“Hanni Hanuta”) into the same HashSet , but retrieval from the collection will not work as expected. You will not find any of these two contained objects when you ask the HashSet whether it contains a Person(“Hanni Hanuta”) , because all three object are unequal to each other.

Mixed-Type Comparison
In a class hierarchy, where Employee and Student are subclasses of a Person , representing roles of a person, it may make sense to compare an Employee to a Student to see whether they are the same Person . With an implementation of equals() that only allows same-type comparison an Employee and a Student would not be comparable.So mixed type comparison allows comparison between parent and child object.With this type of equals() implementation you will have problems storing an Employee(“Hanni Hanuta”) and a Student(“Hanni Hanuta”) in the same HashSet . The HashSet will reject the second add() operation, because the collection already contains an element that compares equal to the new element.

Lets see an example of Mixed-Type comparison

class BaseClass {
    private int field1 = 0;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof BaseClass) {
            return field1 == ((BaseClass) obj).field1;
        return false;

class BadSubClass extends BaseClass {
    private int field2 = 0;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof BadSubClass) {
            return super.equals(obj) 
                    && field2 == ((BadSubClass) obj).field2;
        return false;
BaseClass baseClass = new BaseClass();
BadSubClass subClass = new BadSubClass();

System.out.println(baseClass.equals(subClass)); // prints 'true'
System.out.println(subClass.equals(baseClass)); // prints 'false'

Now the above implementation does not comply to symmetric property of equals
x and y, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.

The work around for this is

class BaseClass {
    private int field1 = 0;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj != null && obj.getClass() == getClass()) {
            return field1 == ((BaseClass) obj).field1;
        return false;

class GoodSubClass extends BaseClass {
    private int field2 = 0;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof GoodSubClass) {
            return super.equals(obj) && field2 == ((GoodSubClass) obj).field2;
        return false;

When the clone method is invoked upon an array, it returns a reference to a new array which contains (or references) the same elements as the source array.

So in your example, int[] a is a separate object instance created on the heap and int[] b is a separate object instance created on the heap. (Remember all arrays are objects).

    int[] a = {1,2,3};
    int[] b = a.clone();

    System.out.println(a == b ? "Same Instance":"Different Instance");
    //Outputs different instance

If were to modify int[] b the changes would not be reflected on int[] a since the two are separate object instances.

b[0] = 5;
    //Outputs: 1
    //         5

This becomes slightly more complicated when the source array contains objects. The clone method will return a reference to a new array, which references the same objects as the source array.

class Dog{

        private String name;

        public Dog(String name) {
   = name;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;


Lets create and populate an array of type Dog

Dog[] myDogs = new Dog[4];

    myDogs[0] = new Dog("Wolf");
    myDogs[1] = new Dog("Pepper");
    myDogs[2] = new Dog("Bullet");
    myDogs[3] = new Dog("Sadie");

Clone dog

    Dog[] myDogsClone = myDogs.clone();

System.out.println(myDogs[0] == myDogsClone[0] ? "Same":"Different");
    System.out.println(myDogs[1] == myDogsClone[1] ? "Same":"Different");
    System.out.println(myDogs[2] == myDogsClone[2] ? "Same":"Different");
    System.out.println(myDogs[3] == myDogsClone[3] ? "Same":"Different");

This means if we modify an object accessed through the cloned array, the changes will be reflected when we access the same object in the source array, since they point to the same reference.

    //Outputs Ruff

changes to the array itself will only affect that array.

myDogsClone[1] = new Dog("Spot");
    //Outputs Spot

As you see above the change in the child by assigning a new Dog does not have any impact on the parent because the reference itself is changed instead of change in the reference value.

Object cloning refers to creation of shallow copy of an object.

Why we Need Clone?

// Java program to demonstrate that assignment
// operator only creates a new reference to same
// object.
// A test class whose objects are cloned
class Test
    int x, y;
        x = 10;
        y = 20;
// Driver Class
class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
         Test ob1 = new Test();
         System.out.println(ob1.x + " " + ob1.y);
         // Creating a new reference variable ob2
         // pointing to same address as ob1
         Test ob2 = ob1;
         // Any change made in ob2 will be reflected
         // in ob1
         ob2.x = 100;
         System.out.println(ob1.x+" "+ob1.y);
         System.out.println(ob2.x+" "+ob2.y);


10 20
100 20
100 20

In Java, we can create only copy of reference variable and not the object.

How to Use Clone?

  1. class that implements clone() should call super.clone() to obtain the cloned object reference
  2. the class must also implement java.lang.Cloneable interface whose object clone we want to create otherwise it will throw CloneNotSupportedException when clone method is called on that class’s object.
  3.   protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
// A Java program to demonstrate shallow copy
// using clone()
import java.util.ArrayList;
// An object reference of this class is
// contained by Test2
class Test
    int x, y;
// Contains a reference of Test and implements
// clone with shallow copy.
class Test2 implements Cloneable
    int a;
    int b;
    Test c = new Test();
    public Object clone() throws
        return super.clone();
// Driver class
public class Main
    public static void main(String args[]) throws
       Test2 t1 = new Test2();
       t1.a = 10;
       t1.b = 20;
       t1.c.x = 30;
       t1.c.y = 40;
       Test2 t2 = (Test2)t1.clone();
       // Creating a copy of object t1 and passing
       //  it to t2
       t2.a = 100;
       // Change in primitive type of t2 will not
       // be reflected in t1 field
       t2.c.x = 300;
       // Change in object type field will be
       // reflected in both t2 and t1(shallow copy)
       System.out.println(t1.a + " " + t1.b + " " +
                          t1.c.x + " " + t1.c.y);
       System.out.println(t2.a + " " + t2.b + " " +
                          t2.c.x + " " + t2.c.y);


10 20 300 40
100 20 300 40

How to Achieve Deep Copy

// A Java program to demonstrate deep copy
// using clone()
import java.util.ArrayList;
// An object reference of this class is
// contained by Test2
class Test
    int x, y;
// Contains a reference of Test and implements
// clone with deep copy.
class Test2 implements Cloneable
    int a, b;
    Test c = new Test();
    public Object clone() throws
        // Assign the shallow copy to new refernce variable t
        Test2 t = (Test2)super.clone();
        t.c = new Test();
        // Create a new object for the field c
        // and assign it to shallow copy obtained,
        // to make it a deep copy
        return t;
public class Main
    public static void main(String args[]) throws
       Test2 t1 = new Test2();
       t1.a = 10;
       t1.b = 20;
       t1.c.x = 30;
       t1.c.y = 40;
       Test2 t3 = (Test2)t1.clone();
       t3.a = 100;
       // Change in primitive type of t2 will not
       // be reflected in t1 field
       t3.c.x = 300;
       // Change in object type field of t2 will not
       // be reflected in t1(deep copy)
       System.out.println(t1.a + " " + t1.b + " " +
                          t1.c.x + " " + t1.c.y);
       System.out.println(t3.a + " " + t3.b + " " +
                          t3.c.x + " " + t3.c.y);


10 20 30 40
100 20 300 0

When to use Clone?

  1. We should use clone to copy arrays because that’s generally the fastest way to do it.

Disadvantages of Clone Method

  1. Cloneable interface lacks the clone() method. Actually, Cloneable is a marker interface and doesn’t have any methods in it, and we still need to implement it just to tell the JVM that we can perform clone() on our object.
  2. Object.clone() is protected, so we have to provide our own clone() and indirectly call Object.clone() from it.
  3. If we are writing a clone method in a child class, e.g. Person, then all of its superclasses should define the clone() method in them or inherit it from another parent class. Otherwise, the super.clone() chain will fail.
  4. We can not manipulate final fields in Object.clone() because final fields can only be changed through constructors. In our case, if we want every Person object to be unique by id, we will get the duplicate object if we use Object.clone() because Object.clone() will not call the constructor, and final id field can’t be modified from Person.clone().

There are two effective ways to create copy of object

  1. Copy Constructor – Refer here
  2. Serialization- Refer Here

Even copy constructor has its disadvantage since working with the internal object(Child Objects) may make it inconsistent and fragile