Fibonacci(without using recursion)

public class Test
  public static void main(String[] args)
     int a=0 , b=0 , c=1;

     for(int i=0;i<15;i++)

Fibonacci(using recursion)


Reverse array without Temp Array

public static int[] reverseArrayWithoutTempArray(int[] array) 
    int i = 0, j = array.length - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++, j--) 
        int temp = array[i];
        array[i] = array[j];
        array[j] = temp;
    return array;

Iterate random integer array and print the values greater than the current value

class Main 
 static void printNGE(int arr[]) 
  int highestVal = 0, i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) 
       if (arr[i] > highestVal) 
        highestVal = arr[i];

 public static void main(String args[]) 
  int arr[]= {11, 13, 21, 3, 45};

Inheritance program with Class and Interface.Find and print the Area and Perimeter for Rectangle,Square and Circle

  1. Interface Shape
  2. Rectangle class implements Shape
  3. Circle class extends Rectangle
interface Shape 
 void input();
 void area();

class Circle implements Shape 
 int r = 0;
 double pi = 3.14, ar = 0;
 public void input() 
  r = 5;
 public void area() 
  ar = pi * r * r;
  System.out.println("Area of circle:" + ar);

class Rectangle extends Circle 
 int l = 0, b = 0;
 double ar;

 public void input() 
  l = 6;
  b = 4;

 public void area() 
  ar = l * b;
  System.out.println("Area of rectangle:" + ar);

public class Demo 
 public static void main(String[] args) 
  Rectangle obj = new Rectangle();
Area of circle:78.5
Area of rectangle:24.0

Types (Hierarchy) of Java Class Loaders
Java class loaders can be broadly classified into below categories:

Bootstrap Class Loader
Bootstrap class loader loads java’s core classes like java.lang, java.util etc. These are classes that are part of java runtime environment. Bootstrap class loader is native implementation and so they may differ across different JVMs.

Extensions Class Loader
JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext contains jar packages that are extensions of standard core java classes. Extensions class loader loads classes from this ext folder. Using the system environment propery java.ext.dirs you can add ‘ext’ folders and jar files to be loaded using extensions class loader.

System Class Loader
Java classes that are available in the java classpath are loaded using System class loader.

Why you need class Loaders
Applications written in statically compiled programming languages, such as C and C++, are compiled into native, machine-specific instructions and saved as an executable file. The process of combining the code into an executable native code is called linking – the merging of separately compiled code with shared library code to create an executable application. This is different in dynamically compiled programming languages such as Java. In Java, the .class files generated by the Java compiler remain as-is until loaded into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) — in other words, the linking process is performed by the JVM at runtime. Classes are loaded into the JVM on an ‘as needed’ basis. And when a loaded class depends on another class, then that class is loaded as well.

When a Java application is launched, the first class to run (or the entry point into the application) is the one with public static void method called main(). This class usually has references to other classes, and all attempts to load the referenced classes are carried out by the class loader.

The java.lang.ClassLoader is an abstract class that can be subclassed by applications that need to extend the manner in which the JVM dynamically loads classes. Constructors in java.lang.ClassLoader (and its subclasses) allow you to specify a parent when you instantiate a new class loader. If you don’t explicitly specify a parent, the virtual machine’s system class loader will be assigned as the default parent.

  1. Include directive includes the file at translation time (the phase of JSP life cycle where the JSP gets converted into the equivalent servlet) whereas the include action includes the file at runtime.
  2. If the included file is changed but not the JSP which is including it then the changes will reflect only when we use include action tag. The changes will not reflect if you are using include directive as the JSP is not changed so it will not be translated for request processing and hence the changes will not reflect.
  3. When using include action tag we can also pass the parameters to the included page by using param action tag but in case of include directive it’s not possible.
    <jsp:include page="file_name" />
     <jsp:param name="parameter_name" value="parameter_value" />

JSP Include Action tag

<title>JSP include Action example</title>
<jsp:include page="display.jsp" />

JSP Include Directive

<title>JSP include Directive example</title>
<%@ include file="display.jsp" %>
Posted in JSP.

SessionId is used to keep track of request coming from the same client during a time duration.

URL rewriting
URL rewriting is a method of session tracking in which some extra data (session ID) is appended at the end of each URL. This extra data identifies the session. The server can associate this session identifier with the data it has stored about that session. This method is used with browsers that do not support cookies or where the user has disabled the cookies. If you need to track Session from JSP pages, then you can use tag for URL-rewriting. It automatically encodes session identifier in URL.

A cookie is a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a Web browser. A cookie is saved by the browser and later sent back to the server in subsequent requests. A cookie has a name, a single value, expiration date and optional attributes. A cookie’s value can uniquely identify a client. Since a client can disable cookies, this is not the most secure and fool-proof way to manage the session. If Cookies are disabled then you can fallback to URL rewriting to encode Session id e.g. JSESSIOINID into the URL itself.

Hidden Form fields
Similar to URL rewriting. The server embeds new hidden fields in every dynamically generated form page for the client. When the client submits the form to the server the hidden fields identify the client.

Web browsers that support Secure Socket Layer communication can use SSL’s support via HTTPS for generating a unique session key as part of the encrypted conversation. Modern days online internet banking website, ticket booking websites, e-commerce retailers like Amazon and e-bay all use HTTPS to security transfer data and manage the session.

  1. The difference between synchronized method and synchronized block is selection of lock on which critical section is locked. Synchronized method depending upon whether its a static method or non static locks on either class level lock or object lock.
  2. Class level lock is one for each class and represented by class literal e.g. String.class. Object level lock is provided by current object e.g. this instance, You should never mix static and non static synchronized method in Java
  3. On the other hand synchronized block locks on monitor evaluated by expression provided as parameter to synchronized block.
  4. One significant difference between synchronized method and block is that, Synchronized block generally reduce scope of lock. As scope of lock is inversely proportional to performance, its always better to lock only critical section of code. One of the best example of using synchronized block is double checked locking in Singleton pattern where instead of locking whole getInstance() method we only lock critical section of code which is used to create Singleton instance.
  5. Synchronized block provide granular control over lock(“very detailed control”, meaning you can control a lot of specific aspects), as you can use arbitrary any lock to provide mutual exclusion to critical section code. On the other hand synchronized method always lock either on current object represented by this keyword or class level lock, if its static synchronized method.
  6. Synchronized block can throw throw java.lang.NullPointerException if expression provided to block as parameter evaluates to null, which is not the case with synchronized methods.
  7. In case of synchronized method, lock is acquired by thread when it enter method and released when it leaves method, either normally or by throwing Exception. On the other hand in case of synchronized block, thread acquires lock when they enter synchronized block and release when they leave synchronized block.
public class SycnronizationExample 

	public synchronized void lockedByThis()
        System.out.println(" This synchronized method is locked by current" instance of object i.e. this");

	public static synchronized void lockedByClassLock() 
	System.out.println("This static synchronized method is locked by class level lock of this class i.e. SychronizationExample.class");

	public void lockedBySynchronizedBlock()
           System.err.println("This line is executed without locking");     
           Object obj = String.class; //class level lock of Stirng class
            System.out.println("synchronized block, locked by lock represented using obj variable");