Monthly Archives: February 2016
Garden Ecosystem
Oracle Release Procedure
During Release the Scripts are executed in the Following Order
- Schema – DDL Scripts – (Table Alter Scripts)
- Content Script – Rows addition and Deletion
- Packages (Stored Procedures and Function)- DML Scripts – (CRUD)
Oracle – Total of Column
SELECT Sno, Name, Department, Salary, SUM(Salary) over(PARTITION BY Department ORDER BY Sno) AS Cum_Salary FROM Master_Employee ORDER BY Department;
How this Works
Partition By will first Partition by Department.Which means the Cumulative Sum will get Reset once the Department Changes.
ORDER BY Sno will make sure the Cumulative value calculated will not be swapped and stays the same for the respective rows.
Now to have a total amount for the Salary the query is as below.
SELECT Sno, Name, Department, Salary FROM Master_Employee UNION SELECT null, null, 'Total', NVL(SUM(Salary), 0) FROM Master_Employee ORDER BY Sno;
Total along with Cumulative Sum
SELECT Sno, Name, Department, Salary, SUM(Salary) over(PARTITION BY Department ORDER BY Sno) AS Cum_Salary FROM Master_Employee UNION SELECT null, null, 'Total', NVL(SUM(Salary), 0), null FROM Master_Employee ORDER BY Sno;
Another wat of fetching records using sub query
SELECT Sno, Name, Department, Salary, CASE WHEN Department = 'Total' THEN NULL ELSE SUM(Salary) over(PARTITION BY Department ORDER BY Sno) END AS Cum_Salary FROM (SELECT Sno, Name, Department, Salary, null, 1 AS Sort_Order FROM Master_Employee UNION SELECT null, null, 'Total', NVL(SUM(Salary), 0), null, 2 AS Sort_Order FROM Master_Employee) ORDER BY Department, Sno, Sort_Order;