For setting the Bean value in struts-config.xml we should use the form-beans tag.The form-beans tag might contain any number of bean property defined within form-bean as below.

Defining a Simple Bean Property

 <form-bean name="userBean" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
   <form-property name="userName" initial="This is Bean Value" type="java.lang.String" />	

In the above code I am creating a userBean and setting its value is initialized to This is Bean Value.

Now in the action mapping part of the struts-config.xml I am going to map the above created bean to path as said below

 <action path="/showBeanValue" type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction" parameter="/showBeanValue.jsp"/>				
 <action name="userBean" path="/Login" />		

In the first line I am defining action path as showBeanValue and it is going to forward to page showBeanValue.jsp when some one access the in url.

In the second statement I am creating a dummy form since the the html form action should not be empty.

  <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html"%>
  <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean"%>     
  <html:form action="/Login">
    <bean:write name="userBean" property="userName"></bean:write>
    <bean:write name="userBean" property="userAge"></bean:write>

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