A Wrapper class is any class which “wraps” or “encapsulates” the functionality of another class or component.These are useful by providing a level of abstraction from the implementation of the underlying class or component.

A wrapper class is a class that “wraps” around something else, just like its name.

In general a wrapper is going to expand on what the wrappee does, without being concerned about the implementation of the wrappee, otherwise there’s no point of wrapping versus extending the wrapped class. A typical example is to add timing information or logging functionality around some other service interface, as opposed to adding it to every implementation of that interface.

For example
Wrapper classes provides a way to use the primitive types as objects. For each primitive , we have wrapper class such as for

int Integer
byte Byte 

Integer and Byte are the wrapper classes of primitive int and byte. There are times/restrictions when you need to use the primitives as objects so wrapper classes provide a mechanism called as boxing/unboxing.

Concept can be well understood by the following example as

double d = 135.0 d;

Double doubleWrapper = new Double(d);

int integerValue = doubleWrapper.intValue();
byte byteValue = doubleWrapper.byteValue();
sting stringValue = doubleWrapper.stringValue();

So this is the way , we can use wrapper class type to convert into other primitive types as well. This type of conversion is used when you need to convert a primitive type to object and use them to get other primitives as well.Though for this approach , you need to write a big code . However, the same can be achieved with the simple casting technique as code snippet can be achieved as below

double d = 135.0;
int integerValue = (int) d ;

In general a wrapper is going to expand on what the wrappee does, without being concerned about the implementation of the wrappee, otherwise there’s no point of wrapping versus extending the wrapped class. A typical example is to add timing information or logging functionality around some other service interface, as opposed to adding it to every implementation of that interface.

This then ends up being a typical example for Aspect programming. Rather than going through an interface function by function and adding boilerplate logging, in aspect programming you define a pointcut, which is a kind of regular expression for methods, and then declare methods that you want to have executed before, after or around all methods matching the pointcut. Its probably fair to say that aspect programming is a kind of use of the Decorator pattern, which wrapper classes can also be used for, but that both technologies have other uses.

A boilerplate is a unit of writing that can be reused over and over without change.

A pointcut is a set of join points.

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