Lets Consider the below Singleton code which uses Double Checked Locking


public class DoubleCheckLocking 
    public static class SearchBox 
        private static volatile SearchBox searchBox;

        //Private constructor
        private SearchBox() {}

        //Static method to get instance
        public static SearchBox getInstance() {
            if (searchBox == null) { // first time lock
                synchronized (SearchBox.class) {
                    if (searchBox == null) {  // second time lock
                        searchBox = new SearchBox();
            return searchBox;

Lets dive deep into the code where Double Checking actually takes place

  if (searchBox == null) { // first time lock
                synchronized (SearchBox.class) {
                    if (searchBox == null) {  // second time lock
                        searchBox = new SearchBox();
  1. Lets say we have two threads A and B and lets assume that atleast one of them reaches line 3 and observes searchBox == null is true.
  2. Two threads can not both be at line 3 at the same time because of the synchronized block. This is the key to understanding why double-checked locking works.
  3. So, it must the case that either A or B made it through synchronized first. Without loss of generality, say that that thread is A. Then, upon seeing searchBox == null is true, it will enter the body of the statement, and set searchBox to a new instance of SearchBox. It will then eventually exit the synchronized block.
  4. Now it will be B’s turn to enter: remember, B was blocked waiting for A to exit. Now when it enters the block, it will observe searchBox. But A will have left just having set searchBox to a non-null value.

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